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שמור לעצמך קישור לדף זה באתרי שמירת קישורים חברתיים
כלי אשכול חפש באשכול זה

ישן 09-02-2006, 13:21
  HummerH1 HummerH1 אינו מחובר  
חבר מתאריך: 08.11.02
הודעות: 32,894
כתבה המפה מראה אימפריה מוסלמית עולמית

Muslim Map Shows World Empire

by J. Grant Swank, Jr.
Feb 7, 2006

Nations' boundaries will disappear. There will be large swashes of Muslim Empire land sweeps. The rest will be non-Muslim holdouts. The Islamics have it already designed and distributed. There is going to be a brand new globe. The world map will be totally changed.

Instead of African countries as they now are, there will be one huge continent labeled "Muslim Empire Africa."

The same for every continent.

National lines as we now see them will disappear. They simply will be no more. History future will be pictured graphically as one huge planetary Muslim Empire with a few lesser hinterlands as leftovers. It's in the works and could happen.

Don't discount it. There were those who slept while Marx, Lenin and Company made changes. There were those who napped while Hitler made changes.

There are those sleeping right now who wish the "Muslim thing" to go away, just slip out of sight. It won't happen, particularly with Iranian legalistic fanatic saying he's going to bring about Islam world rule, bombs or no bombs.

Polite people don't like to hear that and therefore they suppress it. But it can't be ignored, suppressed or treated as a passing threat. It is the major crisis facing the world.

According to NewsMax.com's Carl Limbacher and staff, US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld warned that there is going to be a "global extremist Islamic empire" unless democracies stop it. Therefore, Western nations must high step their nuclear stockpiles or else.

Continue reading this article below
[התמונה הבאה מגיעה מקישור שלא מתחיל ב https ולכן לא הוטמעה בדף כדי לשמור על https תקין: http://www.postchronicle.com/images/arrow9x7.gif]

US President George W. Bush is not hyper enough about surveillance and national security. It is the top priority item that the US Congress and all Americans must support. When they don't, the ACLU, liberal media and Democrats will be the first to be slain by Muslims invading. They're already here in sleeper cells and especially via porous borders begging Muslim killers and other criminal types hiding out till the signal for overtake is given.

Right now no Muslim should be admitted henceforth into the US. Muslims now here should be investigated, no matter the socio-economic or professional standing.

Right now, any Muslim troublemakers should be deported from every free country worldwide, starting with America.

Right now, the liberal newsfeeds should move from their cowardly stance of not using the "M" word for fear of retaliation. A Muslim killer needs to be named the "Muslim killer."

There are even web sites that are conservative, patriotic and American-based that hesitate to post this kind of article for fear of threats.

That's what happened in some of the Nordic nations. The media was so threatened by Allah killers that media and grassroots resorted to self-censorship (don't speak "Islam anything") for fear of retaliation. Now their presses won't print facts about the Muslim Empire take. There are those emailing to blogs saying they only get the actual news from other countries' newsfeeds and blogs.

That simply cannot happen to American blogs and web sites. We must tell truth while we have time or else be slain or enslaved.

I get plenty of email from Muslims who call me names and tell me that I don't understand Islam. I email them back the footnote below as well as the direct quotes dealing with killing and maiming from the Koran.

When I get responses that say that the killing passages are to be understood in certain contexts, I reply that the contexts are daily reported in world news. The contexts for Islamic killing and violating non-Muslims are in Norway, Denmark, England, Australia, Germany, France, America and so forth!

Do all you can, in other words, to prevent the Muslim World Empire. The opposition is working night and day to construct it. What will we free people do? Take another trip to the mall?

Copyright 2006, J. Grant Swank, Jr.

חתימתכם הוסרה כיוון שלא עמדה בחוקי האתר. לפרטים נוספים לחצו כאן. תוכלו לקבל עזרה להתאמת החתימה לחוקים בפורום חתימות וצלמיות.

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