μεβε ΰϊψ Fresh          
  ΰτωψεϊ ϊτψιθ  ψΰωι     ΰτωψεϊ ϊτψιθ  φ'ΰθ     ΰτωψεϊ ϊτψιθ  ξαζχιν     ΰτωψεϊ ϊτψιθ  φεψ χωψ     ηυ ωξΰμδ ●●● αψελιν δαΰιν ΰμ τεψεν φαΰ εαιθηεο ●●● μτπι δλϊιαδ ατεψεν ηεαδ μχψεΰ ΰϊ γαψ δξπδμ ●●● ςχαε ΰηψιπε! ●●● ηυ ιξιπδ  

μκ ΰηεψδ   μεαι δτεψεξιν > ηιιμιν, φαΰ εαιθηεο > φαΰ εαθηεο
ωξεψ μςφξκ χιωεψ μγσ ζδ αΰϊψι ωξιψϊ χιωεψιν ηαψϊιιν
λμι ΰωλεμ ητω αΰωλεμ ζδ

ιωο 18-12-2015, 16:14
  strong1 strong1 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 13.11.04
δεγςεϊ: 16,823
δϊχτϊ πβγ ξχεξιϊ ωμ ΰ-περψΰ λπβγ αριρ δξρεχιν αξψβ' ΰ-ρεμθο
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 11 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι Mpiko ωξϊηιμδ α "φιμεν πηξγ ωμ ξηαμιι ΰμ περψδ..."

φαΰ ΰργ ξξωικ μπβερ λμ δλιεεπιν αξψηα γεξΰ-βεθδ ωξξζψη μγξωχ, δπξφΰ ϊηϊ δϊχτεϊ ψιλεκ ςζεϊ ωμ ηιμ δΰεειψ δψερι ξζδ μξςμδ ξηεγω. λτι ωφειο μτπι ηεγω αΰωλεμ δχεγν, ΰηγ διςγιν δηωεαιν ωμ φαΰ ΰργ διδ δξϊην δφαΰι αξΰψβ' ΰ-ρεμθο, δηεφυ αιο ξψηα γεξΰ εωγδ δϊςετδ δαιπ"μ ωμ γξωχ, ξϊεκ λεεπδ μδτεκ ΰεϊε μξχτφδ μλιαεωιν περτιν αξψηα, λτι ωχεψδ λςϊ ραια αριρ χεεψιιζ ξξζψη μημα. δωαες δφμιη ρεσ ρεσ φαΰ ρεψιδ μλαεω ξηγω ΰϊ δξϊην δηψα ζΰϊ αϊεν ηεγω ωμ χψαεϊ ςζιν λπβγ λεηεϊ ΰ-περψΰ. ςν ζΰϊ ΰμε μΰ ΰξψε πεΰω εξαφςιν δϊχτεϊ πβγ ξχεξιεϊ λπβγ δξϊην, λτι ωπψΰδ αρψθεο μςιμ εβν αρψθεπιν ΰηψιν λβεο ζδ.

ξτϊ δχψαεϊ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

αιχεψ ωμ ςψευ RT ααριρ ωζδ ςϊδ πλαω

μφτιιδ αξχεψ αΰϊψ YouTube, μηφε λΰο.

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 07-01-2016, 09:38
φμξιϊ δξωϊξω ωμ marloweperelab89035
  marloweperelab89035 marloweperelab89035 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 06.02.07
δεγςεϊ: 2,326
ψΰιεο ααμεβ "ςμ δλεεπϊ" ςν ϊΰ"μ αξιμ' ΰεγι γχμ ΰεγεϊ δδζγξπειεϊ μιωψΰμ αξμηξϊ δΰζψηιν
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 1 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι Mpiko ωξϊηιμδ α "θΰε ξεηχ..."

αλΰερ εωξε ρεψιδ ςμ ιωψΰμ μιζεν ιεϊψ\ ξΰϊ βμ τψμ τιπχμ

αλΰερ εωξε ρεψιδ ςμ ιωψΰμ μιζεν ιεϊψ\ ξΰϊ βμ τψμ τιπχμ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ
ξμηξϊ δΰζψηιν δξγξξϊ αρεψιδ, λτι ωξϊΰψ ΰεϊδ ξζλψ ωτεψρν αξλεο μξηχψι αιθηεο μΰεξι θεξπϊ αϊελδ βν δζγξπειεϊ μιωψΰμ εμΰ ψχ ΰϊβψιν. αψΰιεο ςν ΰηγ ξλεϊαιε, ϊΰ"μ αξιμ' ΰεγι γχμ, δεΰ ξπρδ μδραιψ ξγες.

(ξϊεκ δαμεβ "ςμ δλεεπϊ", 07.01.2015)
"μΰ ηεζψιν ςγ ωξαφςιν"(δξεθε ωμ βγεγ 890 ωμ δφπηπιν, λτι ωπιρη ΰεϊε ξτχγε ΰψιχ ωψεο)
"ΰιτδ δΰετπιιν ωμκ ςλωιε? ϊΰψ μςφξκ, ωΰϊδ ιεψγ ςλωιε μξθδ, μξχεν δψβιμ, ΰαμ δΰετπιιν μΰ ων. ςφεψ ΰϊ ςφξκ αψβς δζδ, αωπιιδ ωΰϊδ ξβμδ ωδΰετπιιν μΰ ων, εϊλτιμ ΰϊ δψβς δζδ τι ΰμσ. ζΰϊ δξμηξδ." (ξϊεκ δρτψ "βεσ ωπι", ξΰϊ ςτψ ωμη, "ζξεψδ αιϊο", 1989, ςξεγ 92)
"ραμπεϊ δϊξγδ εμςιϊιν λγεψ αιο δςιπιιν" (ριρξϊ δξΰψιπρ μμμεηξδ αθψεψ, ΰεϊδ ΰιξυ αωςϊε ξτχγ βγεγ 890 ωμ δφπηπιν, ΰξιψ αψςν, λξεθε βγεγι)
"δξαηο ωμπε λφαΰ δεΰ ξαηο διλεμϊ εμΰ ξαηο δλεεπδ." (ξϊεκ δδψφΰδ ωπωΰ δΰμεσ βγι ΰιζπχεθ "ξΰτιιπιε ωμ ςιξεϊ ΰτωψι αζιψδ δφτεπιϊ εαςεψσ" αρξιπψ μζλψ ημμι ξμηξϊ μαπεο δωπιιδ ωπςψκ αΰεπιαψριθϊ ηιτδ α־30 απεαξαψ 2010)
"ΰπι ηεωα ωφπηπιν ξηζιχιν ξςφξν λξηειαιν μξωδε ωλεμν ξηειαιν ΰμιε, ΰαμ δν ψεφιν χφϊ ιεϊψ. ζδ μΰ ωΰπηπε τεςμιν ξΰηεψι χεει δΰεια - ΰπηπε μλΰεψδ λξε λεμν. ΰζ ξδ αςφν δδαγμ? ζδ ωφπηο ςεωδ δλεμ εχφϊ ιεϊψ. ζδ ξηιια ΰεϊκ αιεζξδ, αδεαμδ, αγεβξδ ΰιωιϊ αχψα - εβν αχιξδ ατπι ωιαδ αΰεθεαερ." (δψξθλ"μ απι βπυ ςμ δωιψεϊ αφπηπιν. ξϊεκ δλϊαδ "ξριαϊ βπυ" ξΰϊ ιεπι ωπτμγ επεςδ δεψεειυ, "αξηπδ", 6 αιπεΰψ 2011)

πςψκ μΰηψεπδ ς"ι marloweperelab89035 αϊΰψικ 07-01-2016 αωςδ 09:42.
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 07-01-2016, 13:11
  ξωϊξω ζλψ χψο-ΰεψ χψο-ΰεψ ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 11.09.06
δεγςεϊ: 10,229
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 28 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι marloweperelab89035 ωξϊηιμδ α "ψΰιεο ααμεβ "ςμ δλεεπϊ" ςν ϊΰ"μ αξιμ' ΰεγι γχμ ΰεγεϊ δδζγξπειεϊ μιωψΰμ αξμηξϊ δΰζψηιν"

αδϊημδ πρτχ ξθψιδ ΰειψιϊ μξεψγιν δτψβξθιιν
ΰη"λ πρτχ μδν ΰιξεπιν επωχ
ΰη"λ πριις μδν μλαεω ΰϊ γξωχ
εΰζ δςρχ ιϊτχωω επγωγω ααευ δρεψι λξδ ωπιν, λι ηαμ μαζαζ ΰϊ διωβι δςαψ.
been there, done that

ξδ δδαγμ αιο ρεψιδ 2016 μμαπεο 81'? ων διδ ΰιεν ΰξιϊι ωμ ΰω"τ εΰτωψεϊ ϊιΰεψθιϊ μτηεϊ μδωμιθ ΰϊ δτμπβεϊ ςμ μαπεο. αρεψιδ, ξδ πτχΰ ξιπδ ΰν δξεψγιν δτψβξθιιν ιωμθε α-30% ξωθη ρεψιδ ΰε δξεψγιν-δτψβξθιιν-αδωτςδ-ιωψΰμιϊ-ειψγπιϊ ιωμθε α-40% ξωθη ρεψιδ? ξδ δψεεη ωιφγιχ ΰϊ δριλεο?

ξγιπεϊ τψβξθιϊ ξφιγπε ϊδιδ:
-μϊξεκ χμεϊ ατμβ ωπμην ατμβ ωςειο μπε αΰεϊδ ςϊ: λπιψΰδ μϊξεκ αΰργ πβγ γΰςω
-"δτψγ εξωεμ": ϊξιλδ αχεΰμιφιδ δωπιδ δλι ηζχδ (λτι ωΰπβμιδ ςωϊδ: δωιβδ ωμεν ςν φψτϊ λγι μδιμην αρτψγ αιξι ΰμιζαϊ δψΰωεπδ, εΰζ ςωϊδ χεΰμφιδ ςν ρτψγ εβψξπιδ πβγ φψτϊ δπτεμιΰεπιϊ, εΰζ χεΰμιφιδ ςν φψτϊ πβγ ψεριδ (χψιν) επβγ βψξπιδ εΰζ χεΰμιφιδ ςν βψξπιδ πβγ αψιδ"ξ.. μτι δδβιεο δζδ, πψΰδ ωδιιπε φψιλιν μϊξεκ αγΰςω γεχΰ )-:
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 07-01-2016, 14:47
φμξιϊ δξωϊξω ωμ ai22
  ξωϊξω ζλψ ai22 ai22 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 29.09.09
δεγςεϊ: 12,915
ζε μΰ ξγιπιεϊ τψβξθιϊ αλμμ
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 30 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι χψο-ΰεψ ωξϊηιμδ α "αθη. αδϊημδ πρτχ ξθψιδ ΰειψιϊ..."

αξχεψ πλϊα ςμ ιγι χψο-ΰεψ
ξγιπεϊ τψβξθιϊ ξφιγπε ϊδιδ:
-μϊξεκ χμεϊ ατμβ ωπμην ατμβ ωςειο μπε αΰεϊδ ςϊ: λπιψΰδ μϊξεκ αΰργ πβγ γΰςω
-"δτψγ εξωεμ": ϊξιλδ αχεΰμιφιδ δωπιδ δλι ηζχδ (λτι ωΰπβμιδ ςωϊδ: δωιβδ ωμεν ςν φψτϊ λγι μδιμην αρτψγ αιξι ΰμιζαϊ δψΰωεπδ, εΰζ ςωϊδ χεΰμφιδ ςν ρτψγ εβψξπιδ πβγ φψτϊ δπτεμιΰεπιϊ, εΰζ χεΰμιφιδ ςν φψτϊ πβγ ψεριδ (χψιν) επβγ βψξπιδ εΰζ χεΰμιφιδ ςν βψξπιδ πβγ αψιδ"ξ.. μτι δδβιεο δζδ, πψΰδ ωδιιπε φψιλιν μϊξεκ αγΰςω γεχΰ )-:
λι μϊξεκ αΰργ ξωξςε μριις μβεψξιν ωςειιπιν εξρελπιν μπε μΰ τηεϊ ξγΰςω.

ξγιπιεϊ τψβξθιϊ - διΰ μριις μξι ωξεεϊψ ςμ ψφεπε μωηεθ ΰεϊπε, εξελο μαφς ωϊ"τ ςν ιωψΰμ ςμ αριρ ζδ.
δωξεςεϊ ΰεξψεϊ ωιωψΰμ αιφςδ αςαψ εςγιιο ξαφςϊ ωϊ"τ λζδ ξεμ δλεψγιν,
εζδ αθη μΰ ξωτψ ΰϊ ξφαπε ξεμ ΰψγεΰο ωαεπδ ΰϊ δτετεμψιεϊ ωμε ςμ ξμηξδ αδν.

ΰν ΰργ εδηιζαΰμμδ ιεεϊψε ςμ ϊεχτπεϊν ξεμ ιωψΰμ - ζδ ιβψεν μπε μψφεϊ μριις μδν.
ΰηψϊ - ωιητψε ΰϊ χαψ δδξεπιν ωμδν μαγ,
λι δν δϊπγαε μδιεϊ δωμεηδ δμεηξϊ ωμ ΰιψΰο αιωψΰμ - εζδ ξρελο ΰτιμε ιεϊψ ξγΰς"ω.

λκ βν - λωξγεαψ αγψεζιν ωμ ρεψιδ,
ωαΰξϊ ΰιο μπε ωεν γαψ πβγν, μξςθ ιωιαϊν ςμ δβγψ (ωμςεξϊ ψφηπεϊε ωμ ΰργ, διΰ γι δβιεπιϊ).
ΰν μδν μΰ γηεσ μχαμ ριες ξιωψΰμ - ζδ λπψΰδ μΰ λζδ γηεσ.

δριαδ δςιχψιϊ ωμΰ πιϊο μριις ιωιψεϊ μγψεζιν - διΰ ωαιππε μαιο ξηεζ ρεειγΰ δγψεζι ιεωα ξηεζ γΰψςΰ δρεπι.
αδημθ πιϊο μδβεϊ ωϊ"τ ωαε ιψγο μεχηϊ ΰηψιεϊ ςμ ξηεζ γψςΰ, ειωψΰμ ξριιςϊ μξηεζ ρεειγΰ,
ΰαμ ζδ λαψ ωϊ"τ ωμ 4 βεψξιν εΰν δδεαμδ ωμ δπεωΰ ϊδιδ ξφγ ιωψΰμ - δϊξιλδ αε ϊϊτεββ.

πςψκ μΰηψεπδ ς"ι ai22 αϊΰψικ 07-01-2016 αωςδ 14:49.
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 12-01-2016, 09:21
  ξωϊξω ζλψ χψο-ΰεψ χψο-ΰεψ ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 11.09.06
δεγςεϊ: 10,229
μξϊςπιιπιν- ξΰξψ απεωΰ ααθΰεο "αιο δχθαιν" ωμ "ξςψλεϊ" ξταψεΰψ 2014
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 34 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι ai22 ωξϊηιμδ α "ζε μΰ ξγιπιεϊ τψβξθιϊ αλμμ"


ξαερρ ςμ ςαεγδ αξα"μ ωμ ΰμ"ξ ξεπιψ ςξΰψ ξιεπι 13'- δψαδ μτπι δρςψδ δβγεμδ ωμ ιεπι 15' ραια ριες ΰτωψι ωμ ιωψΰμ μγψεζιν αρεψιδ ξμ γΰςω.

λ-30 ςξεγιν δλεμμιν ψχς διρθεψι, χωψιν ςν ιωψΰμ μτπι 48' , πιϊεη δΰιπθψριν δξωεϊτιν εδφςδ μωιϊεσ τςεμδ.

δϊιζδ ωμε διΰ ωδιρθεψιϊ, δηεψΰο διδ ιηιγδ ηφι-ςφξΰιϊ αμι χωψ ξιεηγ μγξωχ εμψςιεο ωμ ξγιπδ ρεψιϊ. ΰργ δΰα ιγς μψϊεν ΰϊ δΰζεψ μξωθψ ωμε, ΰαμ πψΰδ ωλιεν δΰζεψ μΰ ξρεψ αξιεηγ μξωθψ, εμχεΰμιφιδ δωιςιϊ-ψεριϊ-ςμΰεειϊ ωξβαδ ΰεϊε. ΰπχγεθμιϊ, δδτβπεϊ πβγ αωΰψ δημε αγψςΰ. ξφγ ωπι, μξηεζ ιω βν ΰιπθψρ ηζχ μδϊπβγ μβ'ιδΰγιρθιν ωπμηξιν πβγ ΰργ ξξπιςιν γϊιιν.

δξΰξψ ξφις αςιχψ ριες ΰζψηι.
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 20-02-2016, 22:01
  strong1 strong1 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 13.11.04
δεγςεϊ: 16,823
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 1 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι Mpiko ωξϊηιμδ α "θΰε ξεηχ..."


The main individual firearm in the Syrian Arab Army and other Syrian forces was the famous AK-47/AKM, made in USSR, China, Eastern Europe, including teh Hungarian and Yugoslav clones.

In the early ’90s, Syria acquired a small batch of AK-74M rifles. They were used by elite formations and did not trickle down to the army’s main forces. Therefore the Syrian forces had to cope with the international terrorists’ aggression using the decades-old AK-47, AKM, and Type 56.

Syria spent decades preparing for a confrontation with its main rival, Israel, therefore assembled considerable numbers of small arms, but the intensive fighting raised an urgent need for new weapons. Particularly since foreign sponsors were arming terrorists with modern rifles.

Therefore it’s unsurprising that military aid to Syrian forces included not only heavy weapon systems, but also rifles, machine-guns, latest-model sniper rifles. Media photographs coming from the war zone indicate that the AK-74M rifle can now be seen in the hands of Syrian troops with greater frequency. These weapons have earned high praise from troops who used them in bloody battles.
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 24-02-2016, 00:04
  strong1 strong1 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 13.11.04
δεγςεϊ: 16,823
αιχεψιν αωγεϊ ϊςετδ ρεψιιν...
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 1 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι Mpiko ωξϊηιμδ α "θΰε ξεηχ..."

πϊηιμ ξγιψ ΰ-ζεψ δξαεγγ...

μφτιιδ αξχεψ αΰϊψ YouTube, μηφε λΰο.

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

πξωικ μβ'ΰπχιδ ωμ χεεψιζ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

πξωικ μδπβψιν ωμ ηΰμα

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

επριιν αλιαεω ωμ ξιπΰιδ ςμ ιγι δ SDF (μωςαψ δ YPG) μτπι ωαεςιιν... ξι ζελψ διεν ωΰεϊε αριρ πλαω αρςψδ ςμ ιγι ISIS μτπι ωπϊιιν εηφι αΰηϊ δτςεμεϊ δψΰωεπεϊ ψηαεϊ δδιχσ ωαιφςε αρεψιδ εμιξιν ςαψ μιγι ηψχϊ ΰ-ωΰν (ΰηψι πριβϊ ISIS ξφτεο ηΰμα) ελςϊ μιγι δλεψγιν δρεψιν απριεπν μλϊψ ΰϊ ςζΰζ εξων μηϊεψ μηιαεψ ωπι ημχι ψεβ'ΰαδ, ϊεκ ξιπεσ ηεμωϊν ωμ δξεψγιν δΰιρμξιρθιιν (ςμ ψχς ϊπετϊ φαΰ ΰργ εδβιιν-φ'ιιπβψ δριες δΰεειψι δψερι) ε

ςμ ΰτν εηξϊν ωμ δθεψχιν.


μφτιιδ αξχεψ αΰϊψ YouTube, μηφε λΰο.

δλιαεω - τβψι ξι-8 επωχ ωμμ (ωμ δξεψγιν)

μφτιιδ αξχεψ αΰϊψ YouTube, μηφε λΰο.

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ςμ δγψκ, ϊξεπϊ δξφα αφτεο ξηεζ ηΰμα αεΰκ ςζΰζ εδβαεμ δθεψχι, ΰζεψ ψηα ιγιιν ωαξωκ 3 ωπιν διδ "δξψηα ξεβο" ωμ δξεψγιν, χψρ μβξψι αϊεκ 3 ωαεςεϊ ϊηϊ δϊχτεϊ ξλμ δλιεεπιν - ISIS ξξζψη, δλεψγιν ξξςψα, ηιζαΰμμδ ξγψεν ξςψα εφαΰ ΰργ ξγψεν ξζψη ελξεαο δψεριν ξμξςμδ.
αϊεκ ηεγωιν ρτεψιν δλμ δωϊαω μξεψγιν εδν ΰαγε ΰϊ ψεα ξηεζ μθχιδ εαχψεα ςμεμιν μΰαγ βν ΰϊ ΰηγ ξωπι ξςαψι δβαεμ δβγεμιν ςν θεψχιδ (ζΰϊ ξςαψ μπιϊεχ χε δΰρτχδ ΰμ δωπι ωςγιιο αιγιδν). δΰξψιχπιν ζπηε ΰεϊν μβξψι, δΰιψετΰιν ςρεχιν ατμιθιν, δθεψχιν ςρεχιν αλεψγιν εηεωωιν ξψεριδ, δρςεγιν ςρεχιν ξςμ δψΰω αϊιξο, δψεριν λεϊωιν ΰϊ δξεψγιν ξδΰεειψ εξδχψχς, ISIS ξζπα αδν ξξζψη, ηιζαΰμμδ ξζπα αδν ξξςψα, δβιιρεϊ δωιςιν εδξτχγιν δΰιψπιν ξτφιν ςμ δεΰχεν αφαΰ ΰργ (μτηεϊ αξψηα ηΰμα) ελμ δζξο λξεαο ωμΰ πτρχιν δψιαιν δτπιξιιν αωεψεϊιδν.

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

πςψκ μΰηψεπδ ς"ι strong1 αϊΰψικ 24-02-2016 αωςδ 00:11.
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 07-03-2016, 19:12
  lior432 lior432 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 14.03.07
δεγςεϊ: 4,361
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 86 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι The_last_Apachi ωξϊηιμδ α "ξζμ θεα! ϊιςεψ ψΰωεο ωμ τβιςδ..."

δθιμ αΰεειψ 5 ωπιεϊ. δθεεη δεΰ χψεα ξΰεγ ξωδε λξε 1200 ξθψ χφϊ τηεϊ. αθεεη λζδ δτβιςδ γεεχΰ μΰ ψςδ αλμμ . δλεεο, ΰν ζδ ΰεϊε δλεεο, επψΰδ μι ωλο λι δεΰ ξηζιχ φμα αςψκ ΰεϊε δζξο ωδθιμ αΰεειψ, ιεψδ ξξγψεο χγξι. χωδ μγηεσ αιο ϊεαδ μφψιη ξξψηχ λζδ εζεειϊ λζε. ΰπι ηιια μφιιο ωιω μδν αιφιν μηαψ'δ δΰμε. δν ιεψιν ςμ δθπχ λΰωψ δν αθεεη διςιμ ωμ ΰεϊε δθπχ.

ξςψλϊ δ- soft kill μΰ ςαγδ. ιω ξφα ωδθιμ ΰτιμε μΰ ζεδδ αΰεειψ. μΰ διδ ωιαεω ωμ δςχιαδ ωμ δθΰε εβν δξιρεκ δΰεθεξθι μΰ ςαγ. ΰε ωςμε ςμ ΰιζδ ωθη ξϊ ωμ δξςψλϊ ΰε ωδξςψλϊ λεαϊδ ςμ ιγι δφεεϊ. δωψιεο δψιΰχθιαι γεεχΰ ςαγ επψΰδ λι μΰ διϊδ ηγιψδ ΰν λι δθπχ λλμ δπψΰδ ιφΰ ξδργ"λ. ςεγ θιμ λαψ διδ ρεβψ ΰϊ δριτεψ δζδ.
ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

πςψκ μΰηψεπδ ς"ι lior432 αϊΰψικ 07-03-2016 αωςδ 19:15.
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 27-02-2016, 14:52
  strong1 strong1 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 13.11.04
δεγςεϊ: 16,823
λϊαεϊ ωμ ANNA ςμ μηιξϊ ηθιαϊ ρεχεψ ΰμ ρηψδ αφτεο ξηεζ μθχιδ
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 1 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι Mpiko ωξϊηιμδ α "θΰε ξεηχ..."

ηθιαδ ζε δεχξδ μτπι 3 ωπιν λλεη δϊςψαεϊ εςϊεγδ ΰιλεϊι μτςιμεϊ δϊχτιϊ αψηαι ξηεζ ηεξρ. ΰηψι πτιμϊ δςιψ δΰψξπιϊ χρΰα (ωςμ δβαεμ δφτεπι ξςψαι αιο ρεψιδ εθεψχιδ) αψΰωιϊ 2014 μιγι δξεψγιν δΰιρμξιρθιιν δεχτφδ δηθιαδ διγεςδ απΰξπεϊδ μξωθψ μξηεζ μθχιδ εξΰζ διΰ ξαμδ ΰϊ ζξπδ αμηιξδ ααμιμ ϊπεςεϊ δξεψγιν δτεςμιν ων, λεμμ λξεαο αδϊχτϊ δπβγ δξϊβμβμϊ ξΰζ ηεψσ 2015-2016. δηθιαδ τεςμϊ λϊσ ΰμ λϊσ αδφμηδ ψαδ μφγ ψβ'ιξπθ 103 δςμεει ωμ ξωξψ δψτεαμιχδ, βεσ ΰγ-δεχι περσ ωμΰ διδ χιιν θψν δξμηξδ, αμηιξδ αξψηα δδψψι δχωδ μϊξψεο, αςιχψ αηεψσ. αιο διϊψ πθμε μεηξι δηθιαδ ημχ αηιμευ φεεϊ ξρεχ δηιθ"ο δψερι ωπηϊ πηιϊϊ ΰεπρ αωθη δξεψγιν αρξεκ μβαεμ θεψχιδ (ωθη ωΰβα πϊτρ ξηγω ςμ ιγι φαΰ ρεψιδ αξρβψϊ ξϊχτϊ δπβγ) εαλιαεω ψΰαιδ (ΰηγ ξωμωϊ ξςεζι δξεψγιν δςιχψιιν αξηεζ μθχιδ, μφγ ρμξδ εηιπραΰ ωωϊιδο πτμε βν λο). ωιξε μα μωιξεω δϊγιψ αΰετπεςιν (ψξζ ΰεμι μδωτςϊ ηιζαΰμμδ/ΰιψΰο) εαψητπιν μΰιρεσ ξεγιςιο εθιεεη ΰψθιμψιδ/ριες ΰεειψι. ιωπν ρψθιν περτιν ωμ ANNA ξδμηιξδ αξηεζ μθχιδ ΰκ δν ηρψι ϊψβεν.

μφτιιδ αξχεψ αΰϊψ YouTube, μηφε λΰο.

μφτιιδ αξχεψ αΰϊψ YouTube, μηφε λΰο.

μφτιιδ αξχεψ αΰϊψ YouTube, μηφε λΰο.
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 27-02-2016, 17:06
  strong1 strong1 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 13.11.04
δεγςεϊ: 16,823
λιαεω δςιιψδ δΰρθ' ΰμ-ωγΰγδ αφτεο ξζψη ρεψιδ αιγι δλεψγιν ξιγι ISIS
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 1 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι Mpiko ωξϊηιμδ α "θΰε ξεηχ..."

αςεγ ϊωεξϊ δμα ωμ δξςψα ξετπιϊ μξφεψ ςμ ηΰμα, δχψαεϊ αμθχιδ εδτρχϊ δΰω, δψι ωαξζψη δξγιπδ δμηιξδ πξωλϊ αξμεΰ ςεζδ. δωαες λαωε μεηξι δ SDF (δξιϊεβ δηγω εδηλν ωςωδ δ YPG δλεψγι ελξδ λεηεϊ εωαθιν ρεπιιν ξχεξιιν, λγι μζλεϊ αΰδγϊ εδλψϊ δξςψα εδψεριν λΰηγ) ΰϊ δςιιψδ ωλεηϊ δΰμ ΰμ-ωγΰγδ ςμ βγϊ πδψ δχΰαεψ (ΰηγ ξιεαμιε δβγεμιν ωμ δτψϊ) μΰ δψηχ ξδβαεμ αιο ξηεζεϊ ηρχδ εγιψ ΰ-ζεψ. ϊηιμδ λϊωε ξθερι αςμεϊ δαψιϊ ΰϊ ςξγεϊ ISIS ξδΰεειψ, ΰη"λ χφϊ λιπεο ιωιψ ςν πωχ ξριις εμαρεσ δρϊςψεϊ δηι"ψ πθεμϊ ΰχωο ΰξιϊι, αςιχψ ΰιρεσ βετεϊ ISIS ωπλϊωε ξδΰεειψ, αγεξδ μχψα αριπβ'ψ.

ξγες ΰν λο ιςγ ΰρθ'? λι αωγΰγδ πξφΰ δβωψ διηιγ ξςμ δχΰαεψ λημχ ξδλαιω δαιπΰψφι δξηαψ αιο ωθηι ISIS ωαρεψιδ (αγιψ ΰ-ζεψ εαΰ-ψΰχδ) εαιο ΰμε ωαξερεμ. αωιμεα ςν λιαεω ριπβ'ψ (ξςαψ μβαεμ δςιψχι) αιγι ΰηιδν δλεψγιν δςιψχιιν, ρεβψιν δλεψγιν δρεψιν μΰθ μΰθ ΰϊ δ "ωιαψ διαωϊι" δξζψηι ατπι ISIS, ζΰϊ ΰηψι ωρβψε λαψ ΰϊ ψεα δφτεπι αϊελλι ψεβ'ΰαδ. λξε λο αζλεϊ διεϊν δλεη διαωϊι δδϊχτι διηιγ αξζψη ρεψιδ, δν γεηχιν ΰϊ ISIS ςεγ εςεγ γψεξδ, ξψηιχιν αδγψβδ ΰϊ ΰιεν ξςεψτν δμεβιρθι εξξψλζι δΰελμεριδ δβγεμιν ωμδν ελξεαο αδ αςϊ ξψηιαιν ΰϊ βαεμ ξγιπϊν δςϊιγιϊ. ωγΰγδ διΰ BY FAR δπχεγδ δγψεξιϊ αιεϊψ ΰμιδ δβις δλεψγιν, λξςθ 50 χ"ξ γψεξιϊ μΰ-ηρχδ. λζλεψ φαΰ ρεψιδ ςφξε, δξξωικ μδΰηζ αγψκ μΰ γψκ αξεαμςεϊ αςψιν δβγεμεϊ χΰξιωμι εαΰ-ηρχδ, ΰιπε λωιψ μφςγιν δϊχτιιν εξεϊιψ αλκ ΰϊ ωγδ δχψα εδδιωβιν μλεψγιν.

ξι ζελψ διεν αλμμ ωμτπι 3 ωπιν αγιεχ πτμδ ωγΰγδ, ΰζ ςγιιο ξςεζ ωμ φαΰ ρεψιδ (!) γεεχΰ μιγι ΰ-περψΰ, γΰζ ςγιιο βεψν ψα ςεφξδ αξηεζεϊ γιψ ΰ-ζεψ εΰ-ηρχδ, αθψν ρεμχ ξων ααεωϊ τπιν ςμ ιγι ISIS αωπδ ωμΰηψ ξλο.


ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ


ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

πςψκ μΰηψεπδ ς"ι strong1 αϊΰψικ 27-02-2016 αωςδ 17:08.
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 05-03-2016, 16:03
  strong1 strong1 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 13.11.04
δεγςεϊ: 16,823
δλεψγιν ξϊχγξιν γψεξδ, πξφΰιν 100 χ"ξ αμαγ ξγιψ ΰ-ζεψ
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 101 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι strong1 ωξϊηιμδ α "λιαεω δςιιψδ δΰρθ' ΰμ-ωγΰγδ αφτεο ξζψη ρεψιδ αιγι δλεψγιν ξιγι ISIS"

λξε λο ξϊχγξιν ξςψαδ αξθψδ μξηεχ ΰϊ "δαμιθδ" ωπεφψδ αιο ξΰηζιδν αξηεζ ΰ-ηρχδ εΰμε ωαξηεζ ΰ-ψΰχδ δωλοσ, ωψεαδ ωξξδ ξγαψιϊ ςν ΰελμεριδ ξεςθδ. αλκ δν ξξωιλιν μπφμ ηεμωδ ξωεμωϊ - ωμ ISIS λΰεια, ωμ θεψχιδ λιψια ελξεαο ΰϊ δΰτθιεϊ ωμ δρεψιν, δψεριν εαςμεϊ δαψιϊ δξςψαιεϊ μΰεψ δτρχϊ δΰω αξςψα δξγιπδ.

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ΰτψετε ξςψα δξγιπδ, αξδμκ ξτϊις, αωαεςιιν δΰηψεπιν δςαιψ δξωθψ δρεψι μιγι δ SDF "δξςψαι" ξρτψ λτψιν λεψγιν δπξφΰιν ξφτεο μηΰμα, χψι αΰεϊε δξψηα ωπλαω μΰηψεπδ ςμ ιγι δωιςιν αξϊχτϊ δαζχ δξεφμηϊ ωμδν μωαιψϊ δξφεψ ςμ ξεαμςϊ πΰαμ εζδψδ. ξδμκ ζδ ξιιφψ WIN-WIN χμΰρι δο μλεψγιν (δξβγιμιν αδγψβδ ΰϊ χπθεο ΰτψιο δξςψαι ωμδν, αξθψδ μιφεψ αςϊιγ ξργψεπεϊ ιαωϊιιν δο ΰμ δξεαμςϊ δλεψγιϊ δβγεμδ αωιιη ξρςεγ ωαφτεο ηΰμα εδο ΰμ ψεβ'ΰαδ αξζψη) εδο μξωθψ, ωξαεγγ αλκ ΰϊ ηζιϊ ηΰμα δςιχψιϊ ξξεαμςϊ δξεψγιν δπεϊψϊ αξψηα ΰμ-ςζΰζ, δπξφΰϊ λαιλεμ ϊηϊ ηρεϊ θεψχιϊ (λεμμ ΰψθιμψιϊ) εαλκ ηριπδ αιπϊιιν ξτπι ξδμκ ηζιϊι ψηα διχσ ωμ δ SDF. λπιρϊ δτρχϊ δΰω μϊεχσ ξχαςϊ αιπϊιιν ΰϊ δξφα ΰκ ξι ιεγς ξδ ιμγ ιεν.

ραιψ μδπιη ωαλμ δργψ ςϊιγι, ςμ ΰηϊ λξδ ελξδ με ϊχεν τγψφιδ ρεψιϊ ψεττϊ λτι ωπψξζ μΰηψεπδ ςμ ιγι δψεριν πεϊπι δθεο, δλεψγιν ιωξψε ΰϊ διωβιδν δχψχςιιν δξωξςεϊιιν αϊφεψδ ωμ ηαμ ΰψυ ςφξΰι, αγεξδ μξχαιμδ δξϊχιιξϊ αδφμηδ λαψ ψας ξΰδ αςιψχ δωλπδ, εζΰϊ ςμ ΰτν εηξϊν ωμ δθεψχιν.

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

δξψηχ δμΰ ψα αιο τΰϊιε δγψεξιιν ωμ χπθεο ΰτψιο εαιο δξεαμςϊ δλεψγιϊ δβγεμδ αωιιη ξρςεγ ωαηΰμα δετλϊ ΰϊ δξργψεο διαωϊι δξΰεαθη μιςγ ΰθψχθιαι ξΰγ μ SDF αςιχψ ωδωθη ωαϊεεκ πωμθ (ςγιιο) αιγι δξεψγιν δΰιρμξιρθιιν δξεημωιν. δξεαμςϊ δξαεφψϊ διΰ χευ ααωψν ωμ δξεψγιν λαψ ωπιν εδν ξπριν ξγι ςϊ μδθψιγδ εμδφψ ΰϊ διχτιδ, αηερψ δφμηδ ξετβο.

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 11-03-2016, 17:34
  strong1 strong1 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 13.11.04
δεγςεϊ: 16,823
It’s Time to Seriously Consider Partitioning Syria
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 1 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι Mpiko ωξϊηιμδ α "θΰε ξεηχ..."


way. The war in Syria is going nowhere fast. It staggers along, with daily violations and a rising body count — another vicious “problem from hell.” Estimates vary, but some observers now put the death toll in Syria at nearly 500,000 and climbing — roughly 2.5 percent of the prewar population. Close to 50 percent of the population is displaced. It is hard to think of a catastrophe of similar proportions since the end of World War II.

Some efforts to negotiate a solution have been undertaken, led by the indefatigable U.N. diplomat Staffan de Mistura. The real problem, of course, is that the major players are in sharp disagreement about a path forward: the United States and Russia disagree on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s future; Saudi Arabia and Iran are locked in a geopolitical and religious conflict across the region, with Syria as ground zero; Russia and Turkey are in bitter disagreement about tactical and strategic issues; and on and on.

What is increasingly apparent amid all this misery is that Syria as a nation is increasingly a fiction. It is utterly riven by the civil war that has raged for three years, and large chunks of it are ruled by disparate actors with no allegiance and often bitter enmity toward what remains of the sovereign state. Like Humpty Dumpty in the children’s nursery rhyme, the odds of putting Syria back together again into a functioning entity appear very low. It is time to consider a partition.
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 16-03-2016, 21:44
  strong1 strong1 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 13.11.04
δεγςεϊ: 16,823
North Korean Type-73 LMG sighted in Syria
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 1 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι Mpiko ωξϊηιμδ α "θΰε ξεηχ..."


After the sighting of North Korean Type-73 light machine guns (LMGs) in Iraq, it now appears several examples of this rare firearm have made their way to Syria with the deployment of the Iraqi Shiite militia Kata'ib al-Imam Ali to this country. Kata'ib al-Imam Ali's involvement in Syria has been centered around the regime's offensive in Northern Aleppo in February 2016, aimed at cutting off rebel forces North and North-East of Aleppo.

While it was already known the large number of Iraqi Shiite militias deployed to Syria brought their own equipment in from Iraq (even including U.S. M-1114s), the chances of one or more Type-73 LMGs being amongst these weapons was deemed to be quite small, especially when considering Iraq never was an operator of the Type-73. Indeed, it was Iran who supplied limited numbers of these LMGs to the various Shiite militias operating under the Popular Mobilization Forces umbrella organisation.

Iran originally received its Type-73s during the Iran-Iraq war in the early eighties, which forced Iran to look for a supplier that could provide Iran with various types of weaponry that could quickly be delivered: North Korea. Although the Type-73 served alongside its older brother, the PK(M), it appeared to have been discarded after enough Iranian PKMs were produced. One Type-73 with a stick magazine next to a PK(M) can be seen in the image below, taken during the Iran-Iraq War.

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 16-03-2016, 21:45
  strong1 strong1 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 13.11.04
δεγςεϊ: 16,823
The Islamic State going DIY, 122mm D-30 howitzers used as anti-aircraft guns
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 1 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι Mpiko ωξϊηιμδ α "θΰε ξεηχ..."


Imagery recently released by the Islamic State's media office of Wilayat Ninawa in Iraq (Nineveh governorate) shows truck-mounted 122mm D-30 howitzers of the al-Farouq Platoon (of the Wilayat Ninawa Air Defence Battalion) firing at U.S. (E)P-3 maritime surveillance aircraft used for SIGINT missions over Mosul. The use of this weaponry, ordinarily used as conventional artillery against ground targets only, is highly notable, and highlights the Islamic State's severe lack of means to counter the Coalition's overwhelming air assets.

The images, captured in and around Mosul, the largest city under the Islamic State's control, depict U.S.-made Navistar International 7000 Series and M-35 trucks which have been modified to carry the Soviet-legacy 122mm D-30 howitzer. The M-35-based example appears to be housed in a hardened bunker, only being moved outside when a potential target appears. Furthermore, the truck has been outfitted with stabilisers and a mount to lower the howitzer into travel position. Other images show more conventional assets of the al-Farouq Battalion, including a 14.5mm ZPU-2, 23mm ZU-23-2, 37mm Type-65 and 57mm AZP S-60, all of which mounted on a variety of trucks.

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 16-03-2016, 21:48
  strong1 strong1 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 13.11.04
δεγςεϊ: 16,823
The Islamic State going DIY, from earthmover to earthbreaker
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 1 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι Mpiko ωξϊηιμδ α "θΰε ξεηχ..."


The vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) has been made famous by the fighters of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq over the past two years. One could even argue the Islamic State perfected the concept by constantly building and deploying better protected and even larger variants on the battlefields of Syria and Iraq. From using radio-controlled toy cars to even tanks and self-propelled artillery to carry explosives, the Islamic State has done it all.

The VBIED in Islamic State service functions somewhat the same as airstrikes, artillery fire and rocket barrages in conventional military forces. Apart from having the potential to inflict heavy damage on the convoy or base, it also serves as a psychological weapon, terrifying and demoralizing any defenders still alive after the blast. In its assaults on well-defended bases, the Islamic State relies heavily on VBIEDs before initiating the final push. With this in mind, the Islamic State has now begun using massive earthmovers as VBIEDs.

Images coming out of Islamic State-held al-Quaryatayn, located in between Damascus and T4 airbase shows one of such massive earthmovers in its new role as earthbreaker.

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 06-04-2016, 21:26
  strong1 strong1 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 13.11.04
δεγςεϊ: 16,823
Syria: The First Five Years
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 1 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι Mpiko ωξϊηιμδ α "θΰε ξεηχ..."


Five years ago, after Friday prayers on March 18, 2011, several hundred demonstrators gathered in the city of Daraa in southern Syria to protest against the abuses of local security chiefs and raise a host of other demands. Inspired by the recent uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, their slogans were simple but telling: Hurriya (“Freedom&#8221 and Baad al-yawm, ma fi khouf (“After today, no more fear&#8221. At some point, the police opened fire. Three young men were reportedly killed, their names given as Mahmoud al-Jawabreh, Hossam Ayyash, and Ayham al-Hariri. They were the first three victims of a war that has now cost the lives of 300,000 people.

The following day, government forces intervened against their funeral processions, provoking new clashes. As the unrest escalated, Damascus sent military units to break up protests with extreme force. Soon, the surrounding countryside was rising up against the government and solidarity demonstrations were taking place across Syria. Everywhere they were put down with force, but the protests kept coming. Months later, a broad civil rebellion many tens of thousands strong had taken shape in spite of this furious repression. But the innocence of early revolutionary fervor had been lost, and Syria was by then a country in crisis, staring into the abyss of sectarian war.
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 06-04-2016, 21:27
  strong1 strong1 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 13.11.04
δεγςεϊ: 16,823
After Palmyra, Where Next for Assad?
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 1 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι Mpiko ωξϊηιμδ α "θΰε ξεηχ..."


Forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on March 27 retook the desert city of Palmyra, which had been lost to the self-proclaimed Islamic State in May 2015. Its loss came at a difficult time for Assad, whose exhausted and overstretched army was losing territory on several fronts while the decaying economy in government-controlled areas was threatening to undo his regime from within. Given Palmyra’s location at the center of valuable gas fields and position as a nexus of major transportation routes in Syria’s eastern deserts, its loss compounded Assad’s problems. The government found itself with an expanded eastern frontline, with the Islamic State burrowing into the Qalamoun mountains, north of Damascus, and the Badiya region, where central Syria’s fertile plains around Homs and Hama fade into the desert.

A reversal of fortunes began on September 30, 2015, when Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his country’s air force into action in Syria. Since the end of 2015, Assad has significantly improved his position in western Syria—where he is fighting other rebel and jihadi forces—and made limited advances against the Islamic State near Aleppo. The current push—which came after a truce with mainstream rebel factions—began on February 27 and marked the first major push east. Shortly after that Putin announced a somewhat disingenuous withdrawal from Syria on March 14.
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 06-04-2016, 21:32
  strong1 strong1 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 13.11.04
δεγςεϊ: 16,823
Palestinian Syrians: Twice refugees
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 1 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι Mpiko ωξϊηιμδ α "θΰε ξεηχ..."


Syria's Palestinians

Before civil war erupted in Syria, an estimated 560,000 Palestinian refugees lived in the country. A largely invisible minority, Palestinians intermarried with locals and integrated smoothly into the social fabric of the country, even being eligible to be drafted by the Syrian military.

Since neighbouring Jordan and Lebanon closed their borders to Syrian Palestinians from Syria in 2015 (and later to Syrians in general), Europe has become an increasingly attractive destination for them.

According to the UN's Palestinian refugee agency, UNRWA, more than 110,000 Syrian-born Palestinians have fled Syria since the start of the conflict. Another 450,000 have been internally displaced.

"We estimate that at least 60,000 have fled the region [outside UNRWA's jurisdiction of Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine]," UNRWA spokesman Christopher Gunness told Al Jazeera. "Probably a good many of those have fled to Europe."

"What we're seeing is the increasing regional vulnerability and fragility of Palestinians. They no longer feel safe in the region, so they are braving the life-threatening journey to Europe," said Gunness, referring to the repeated displacement of the Palestinians, beginning with the purge of a large number from Palestine after the country's partition in 1948, and since then, throughout the regional conflicts in varying countries over the past decades. "They are the most vulnerable of the vulnerable," he says.
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 06-04-2016, 21:34
  strong1 strong1 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 13.11.04
δεγςεϊ: 16,823
Will the Islamic State survive 2016?
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 1 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι Mpiko ωξϊηιμδ α "θΰε ξεηχ..."


Following spectacular combat gains for two years, the Islamic State (IS) is on the defensive in Iraq and Syria. In 2015, IS lost 14% of the territory it once controlled. It has lost another 8% in just the first three months of this year, according to a new study from IHS Jane's 360.

If IS continues to lose territory at the same pace, some people believe the year 2016 could well be its last. But experts are maintaining a cautious optimism in agreeing with this prediction, which is frequently voiced by Iraqi decision-makers.

Jacob Zen of the Jamestown Foundation, which closely follows IS activities in the Middle East and Eurasia, says IS might make it to the end of 2016, but most likely only as a shadow of its current self.

“I expect IS will be able to still hold out at Mosul and Raqqa in 2016, because the attention of international and Syrian counter-insurgency forces is primarily devoted to resolving other issues, such as in northwestern Syria, where Afrin province is hotly contested. But at some point in the near future — perhaps next year in 2017 — I expect that a range of international forces, and Iraqi and possibly also Syrian forces, will finally commit to removing IS from Raqqa and Mosul. At that time, I do not think IS will have the power to defend those cities, even if its militants are able to put up a strong defense,” he told Al-Monitor.
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 06-04-2016, 21:36
  strong1 strong1 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 13.11.04
δεγςεϊ: 16,823
The Islamic State going DIY, the birth of the battle monstrosity
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 1 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι Mpiko ωξϊηιμδ α "θΰε ξεηχ..."


The establishment of the Islamic State has led to a myriad of DIY projects as the group attempts to equip its fighters with a semblance of armour and heavy firepower. The latest homebred gem was spotted during a recent offensive in Derna, Libya, where it is used to combat the Haftar-aligned Libyan National Army and the Shura Council. The fighters of the Islamic State in Derna are completely cut off from other Islamic State held territory in Libya and thus have to do with what they currently got.

The sighting of this vehicle comes a month after the 'unveiling' on Ansar al-Sharia's take on the BMP-1. This behemoth comes with an armoured 14.5mm ZPU-4 platform over the main gun in addition to bow armour. Deployed in Benghazi, it did not have a long career, being knocked out in early March by the Libyan National Army.

The new contraption, based on a 6x6 truck, features a variety of metal plating and slat armour and is equipped with not just a BMP-1 turret, but actually incorporates a complete BMP-1 hull instead! The 73mm 2A28 Grom main gun and coaxial 7.62mm PKT machine gun have been removed however, and an armoured platform housing a single 106mm M40 recoilless rifle (RCL) has been installed over the turret. Although swinging the 106mm M40 around demands an operator in the turret itself, the elevated position of the RCL offers a clear advantage in the close quarter combat currently seen in Derna's city centre.

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 06-04-2016, 21:37
  strong1 strong1 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 13.11.04
δεγςεϊ: 16,823
The Islamic State going DIY, R-40 air-to-air missiles used as SAMs?
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 1 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι Mpiko ωξϊηιμδ α "θΰε ξεηχ..."

ξςπιιο ξΰγ!


Starting in June 2014, Coalition airstrikes conducted on positions, vehicles and high-ranking members of the Islamic State have taken a heavy toll on the group. These airstrikes combined with increased bombardements conducted by the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Air Force (RuAF) have made a significant difference during several battles already, most notably in Kobanî. The Islamic State has so far been unable to come up with an answer against the many air forces now threatening them in both Syria and Iraq. Although it has tried to better camouflage its forces in order to prevent them from being spotted and hit, it has so far failed to directly hit any of the aircraft conducting these strikes.

Although the Islamic State has no lack of surface-to-air missiles nor associated launchers, it lacks the expertise to turn these often derelict systems into operational systems capable of hitting any foe in the air. Indeed, the limited amount of MANPADS in the hands of the Islamic State (even including North Korean examples) have so far only managed to damage or down Iraqi Air Force helicopters. The capture of a fully operational S-125 battery in between Hama and Aleppo did not help the Islamic State in any way, as it was not only incapable of operating these sophisticated systems, but unable to transport these systems to Raqqa in the first place. Using the S-75 missiles captured back in 2014 was complicated by the fact that none of the systems captured were operational or in a state that could easily be made operational, not to mention the fact that they lack the expertise to use them. The usage of one 2P25 launch system, part of the 2K12 Kub SAM complex, captured in Deir ez-Zor was foiled by the lack of any missiles and significant damage on the launcher itself. The capture of a 2K12 Kub battery in Deir ez-Zor in January 2016 did provide the Islamic State with an operational SURN 1S19 radar system and intact launchers, but in such a sorry state that bringing these systems back to operational condition would have been nigh impossible, not to mention the bad condition of the associated missiles. Although not confirmed through video footage, the whole site was said to have been bombed by the RuAF shortly after its capture.

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν
ιωο 06-04-2016, 21:38
  strong1 strong1 ΰιπε ξηεαψ  
ηαψ ξϊΰψικ: 13.11.04
δεγςεϊ: 16,823
Tadmur recaptured, Islamic State forces on the run
αϊβεαδ μδεγςδ ξρτψ 1 ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι Mpiko ωξϊηιμδ α "θΰε ξεηχ..."


After having been captured by the Islamic State just short of a year ago, the city of Tadmur is now back in the hands of the regime after a large offensive conducted by units of the Syrian Arab Army (SyAA), Hizbullah, Shiite militias and the Russian Armed Forces cleared the town city and its surroundings from the presence of the Islamic State. While the recapture of the ancient town of Palmyra, home to many well-preserved ruins and archeologica artifacts, will surely make the headlines all over the world, wrestling control over the city of Tadmur itself from the Islamic State is of a much larger significance to the future course of the Syrian War.

Its significance arises not only from the gasfield-rich terrain in which it lies, a factor which is sure to aid future regime operations, but also from the strategic location of Tadmur within Syria. Holding the key to the highway connecting Deir ez-Zor to the West of Syria, the only thing laying in the way of breaking the siege of this heavily embattled city is al-Sukhna, held firmly in Islamic State control since May 2015. However, with the fighters of the Islamic State on the run and little reinforcements present in the area, a regime offensive to quickly retake al-Sukhna before the Islamic State has had the chance to regroup seems likely.

The siege of Deir ez-Zor, in place since the capture of al-Sukha by the Islamic State on the 13th of May 2015, prevents any aid from being brought in by trucks, forcing the remaining citizens of the city to rely on an airbridge conducted by the Syrian Arab Air Force's (SyAAF) Il-76 fleet. Maintaining the airbridge is an expensive affair, not to mention the fact that it prevents the precious Il-76 fleet from being used for other critical tasks. To quickly continue the offensive in the direction of al-Sukhna is critical in order to deny the fighters of the Islamic State the opportunity to dig in and create defensive line here. The fact that Tadmur airbase has been captured intact will greatly benefit the SyAA in future operations in Central to Eastern Syria. The long runway will allow cargo aircraft to bring in supplies and additional troops and could be used for the forward deployment of attack helicopters, as was already witnessed the day after the capture.

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ

ϊξεπδ ωδεςμϊδ ςμ ιγι βεμω αΰϊψ εμλο ΰιο ΰπε ιλεμιν μγςϊ ξδ διΰ ξλιμδ
ϊβεαδ μμΰ φιθεθ ϊβεαδ ςν φιθεθ ηζψδ μτεψεν

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