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ישן 30-11-2011, 19:35
  צ'ופר צ'ופר אינו מחובר  
חבר מתאריך: 12.06.05
הודעות: 221
צבא לבנון בדק תומ"ת סיני מסוג CH2

Lebanese army has tested SH2 chinese self-propelled howitzer armed with M101 105 mm gun.

Lebanese army has tested the Chinese wheeled self-propelled howitzer SH2 armed with Russian made D-30 122mm howitzer, but also with the American M101 105mm howitzer. Chinese defense Company proposes also a version of the SH2 but armed with a 105mm howitzer named SH5.
According to a Lebanese officer, the Lebanese army has purchase the Chinese 3-meter long 6x6 light wheeled vehicle called XLW-TB, this vehicle is used to carry the D-30 122mm howitzer.
Just before the show the Lebanese army has made some firing and trial tests of the XLW-TB armed with the American 105mm howitzer M101 which is in service in the Lebanese armed forces.

The 105 mm M2A1 (M101A1) howitzer was the standard light field howitzer for the United States in World War II, seeing action in both European and Pacific theaters. The M101 fired 105 mm high explosive (HE) semi-fixed ammunition and had a range of 11,200 m, making it suitable for supporting infantry.

This artillery system is operated by a crew of 4 -5 people, and has a combat weight of 11.5 tones. The system can transform between travelling and combat mode within 45 - 50 seconds. A typical mission of transforming from travelling mode to combat mode, firing six rounds, and transforming back to the travelling mode can be completed with 2 minutes.

[התמונה הבאה מגיעה מקישור שלא מתחיל ב https ולכן לא הוטמעה בדף כדי לשמור על https תקין: http://www.armyrecognition.com/images/stories/middle_east/lebanon/defense_exhibition/smes/news/pictures/SH2_XLW-TB_with_M101_american_made_105mm_howitzer_during_firing_test_in_lebanon_001.jpg]

http://www.armyrecognition.com/smes..._2911 111.html

נערך לאחרונה ע"י צ'ופר בתאריך 30-11-2011 בשעה 19:54.
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