17-01-2011, 16:27
חבר מתאריך: 11.09.06
הודעות: 10,353
ועכשיו- יכולת גילוי חמקנים ב... F15?!
הבלוג DANGER ROOM טוען כי חיל האויר האמריקאי מתכוון להשתמש במטוסי F15 משודרגים עם מכ"ם AESA לגילוי חמקני אויב, והכוונת F22 אליהם. הטענה היא שבאף ה-F15 יש מקום למכ"ם חזק יותר משאפשר להתקין ב- F22.
To be fair, the F-15 and F-22 (and, later, the F-35) will probably usually work in teams. But the F-15, with its better sensors, could prove to be the backbone for U.S. and allied forces in any Pacific dogfight.
The magic is all in the Eagle’s nose. Compared to the angular, stealthy F-22, the totally non-stealth F-15 has a more capacious nosecone that can carry a larger radar. The larger the radar, the more likely it is to detect the J-20, despite that plane’s potentially very small frontal radar cross-section. The F-15 also routinely carries more fuel and missiles than the F-22.
[...] The Air Force is working on new tactics to blend the F-15s and F-22s into a single team. As currently envisioned, the F-15s would fly with extra fuel tanks and AMRAAM missiles and with radars blaring, while the F-22s, carrying less gas and fewer missiles, would turn off their radar and sneak up on the enemy for ninja-style jabs
“Our objective is to fly in front [of any strike force] with the F-22s, and have the persistence
[because of larger fuel loads] to stay there while the [stealthy fighters] are conducting their LO attack,” says Maj. Todd Giggy, the wing’s chief of weapons and tactics. Giggy was formerly with the chief of weapons and tactics for the 1st Air Dominance Wing at Langley. “That
persistence is something we can add that no one else can in the air dominance world
.This teaming will get a big boost starting in 2014, when the Air Force finally installs secure
data links on the F-22, allowing it to covertly swap targeting info with other planes. Even then, the F-15 will have a better radar and more weapons and endurance, making it the Pentagon’s preferred J-20-killer — and the biggest reason why the United States hasn’t yet lost control of the airspace over the Pacific.
אני רואה את הבעיות הבאות:
א. אני הנחתי של-F22 יכולת שהייה טובה מל-F15, והינה טייס F15 מתגאה ביכולת שלהם לשהות מעל שטח האויב, שאין לאף מטוס יירוט אחר..
ב. ה- F15 חשוף מאוד לתקיפה ע"י חמקן האויב והנ"מ שלו. הוא תלוי מאוד בל"א. ל-F22 אולי יש טווח גילוי קטן במקצת, אך החתימה שלו נמוכה בהרבה. כפי שמגיב כתב:
I wonder how the F-15 pilots feel about this arrangement?
“OK, your job is to stand in the middle of this field shining a spotlight into those trees so that our snipers can see their snipers better. Good luck.”
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