Stranger: hey
Stranger: where do u come from?
You: how r u
Stranger: fine
Stranger: and u?
You: Palestine
You: im ok
Stranger: Palestine?
You: where U from
Stranger: china
You: yes
Stranger: and u?
Stranger: what does Palestine mean?
You: its place in the middle east
Stranger: oh i see
Stranger: haha
Stranger: how old r u?
You: its arab country but the israelis took our land
Stranger: yeah i see
Stranger: i didn't realize right now,sorry
You: dirty jews
Stranger: agreed
Stranger: r u from jerusalem?
You: hebron
Stranger: r there any israelis there?
You: yes
Stranger: you dont talk with them right?
You: never
Stranger: we chinese like Yasser Arafat very much
Stranger: he is a real hero
You: yes
You: and bin laden to
Stranger: do u have a facebook?
You: no
Stranger: how old r u?
You: 32
Stranger: what do u do?
You: i am fighter in al kaida palestine
Stranger: oh, i've heard that
You: i kill over 30 jews
Stranger: wow!
Stranger: it's amazing!
Stranger: maybe u can come to china some day
You: U muslim?
Stranger: no, but there is one in our dorm
Stranger: a lot of muslim in china, u know
You: yes i know
Stranger: have u ever to china?
You: i was onley in palestineiraq and afghanistan
Stranger: is it easy for our chinese to the arab country?
You: i didnt understand
Stranger: is it difficult if i want to go to palestine?
Stranger: for a visit
You: no
Stranger: actually i want to go to Jerusalem since i was 16
You: you can but i cant
Stranger: but as u said, it's hard
Stranger: why? it's ur capital right?
You: its under israelis
Stranger: u have the right!!
You: i am wanted
Stranger: ...
Stranger: why u said this to me? do u trust me?
You: 15 years ago i saw bin laden
Stranger: and then?
You: i shook his hand
Stranger: how did u feel?
You: exiting
Stranger: such as rabin?
Stranger: i can imagine
Stranger: i think some israelis r good
You: ??
Stranger: rabin, former president of israel
You: no right to state of israel
You: the jews from europe
You: came to palestin
Stranger: i've got to go,nice talking to u, do u have an e-mail where i can keep in touch u?
You: its problem
You: im wanted
You: i dont have e mail
Your conversational partner has disconnected.