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שמור לעצמך קישור לדף זה באתרי שמירת קישורים חברתיים
כלי אשכול חפש באשכול זה

ישן 03-08-2006, 20:25
  זוהרת זוהרת אינו מחובר  
חבר מתאריך: 19.03.06
הודעות: 2,752
אז תכתוב להם משהו , למה לקטר בעברית בפורום ישראלי ?
בתגובה להודעה מספר 1 שנכתבה על ידי תוכי.נ שמתחילה ב "לBBC לא יאה לכתוב על הרוגים ישראלים"

כמה תגובות מעניינות הצמודות לדיון בנושא חיזבאללה :

Added: Thursday, 3 August, 2006, 16:00 GMT 17:00 UK

Iran's President has a constructive suggestion. Eliminate Israel. The Arab states also have constructive contributions. Its all the fault of Isreal. The EU thought Isreal overreacted. The condemnation of Israel does not stop, regardless of how many rockets, missles and suicide bombers make living in peace in Israel impossible. Why should Muslim violence be excused, tolerated, and Israeli voilence always condemned? International opinion apparently favours Iran's position.

Peter Macdonald, Vancouver, Canada

Added: Thursday, 3 August, 2006, 16:00 GMT 17:00 UK

To my mind Hezbollah has already won, just by standing up against both the biggest bully/nuclear power in the region & the soul superpower on the planet, & lasted so long. They are not cowards by any standard.


No, Ace, they are not cowards, but this doesn't make them right either.

They just have an agenda which is bad for Lebanon - destruction of Israel.

David Hiskiyahu, Antwerp, Belgium

Added: Thursday, 3 August, 2006, 15:59 GMT 16:59 UK

As sad as it is, asking "Why do innocent civilians have to die?" is not a charge that israel is deliberately targeting civilians. The fact is civilians die in every war, and blaming Israel for retaliating with a full-scale war for being attacked by Hezbollah is absurd. No other country in the world would get reprimanded to responding to an immediate threat to its security. This is a textbook definition of an act of war - get over it.

Joshua Joshua, New Jersey, United States

Added: Thursday, 3 August, 2006, 15:58 GMT 16:58 UK

israel have already lost this war its a proven fact that underground guerilla armys can not be stopped its a fact.
- sean, belfast

I disagree, Sean. Underground guerillas can be stopped, but at an exceedingly high loss of civilian life. Up to this point, Israel has been TRYING to minimize civilian casualties, but Hezbollah tactics involve using human shields. But Israel is growing tired of Hezbollah and will consider civilian casualties a necessary evil

Evan, Cleveland USA

Added: Thursday, 3 August, 2006, 15:57 GMT 16:57 UK

Q)A bunch of terrorists sit just over the boarder and keep firing rockets into your towns killing women and children they also want to see your country wiped of the face of the earth so what do the do gooders want you you to do?. A)Nothing,well talk to them to see what the problem is!, Get real how would you feel if they did this say to london every day, I don't support Israel but I can understand why they have done this.

mell., Oxford

את האחרונה מאד אהבתי
Added: Wednesday, 2 August, 2006, 17:36 GMT 18:36 UK

Good thing television wasn't widely available during WWII or we would all be speaking German and bowing to the emperor.

People are zeroing in on the horrors of war brought to them on their television set and completely ignoring the context in which these horrors occur.

Edward Murray, Stillwater, Oklahoma, United States

זה אמנם רק חלק קטן אבל הוא די משקף .
מפתיע ?!
"אורי אבנרי לעולם איננו משקר" , סוף ציטוט.
האקדח מהמערכה הראשונה - קישור.

לצפייה במקור באתר YouTube, לחצו כאן.- קישור

מקור הרשע - עברית / אנגלית מישהו ב"פרש" סבור שהשנאה הערבית אלינו נובעת מ"פחד השתלטות")

לצפייה במקור באתר YouTube, לחצו כאן.

“I believe that forgiving Hisbollah is God's function. The Israeli's job is to arrange the meeting" (שטות רלוונטית שיוחסה בזמנו לשוורצקופף)

נערך לאחרונה ע"י זוהרת בתאריך 03-08-2006 בשעה 20:28.
תגובה ללא ציטוט תגובה עם ציטוט חזרה לפורום

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