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שמור לעצמך קישור לדף זה באתרי שמירת קישורים חברתיים
כלי אשכול חפש באשכול זה

ישן 19-03-2006, 03:15
  lea10 lea10 אינו מחובר  
חבר מתאריך: 28.10.04
הודעות: 1,387
צילום ההפגנות בפריז גלשו לאינטרנט - המשטרה במעקב על האתרים...

French clashes against youth labor bill goes to the Internet

French riot police clashed Saturday afternoon with demonstrators protesting the controversial First Employment Contract (CPE), Paris as some young people threw missiles at police. Windows were broken and a car set on fire. Organizers claimed that some 300,000 protested in Paris Saturday afternoon and a million in more than 150 demonstrations nationwide after nationwide demonstrations on Thursday drawing up to half a million university and high-school students. The FIDL high-school students' union vowed a new day of action on Thursday if the government does not back down. France's education has been disturbed by the protests that have lasted two weeks, with up to 60 out of the country's 84 universities affected. Demonstrators demanded that the government scrap the CPE, which, having been adopted by the French parliament, allows employers to fire without explanation newly hired workers under the age of 26 within two years. They said the law infringes workers' rights, making it harder for young people to get long-term employment. Blogs in the Internet are making connections with the demonstrators.

Le CPE mobilise sur Internet

Internet prend toute son importance en cas d'actualité chaude. Le nombre de sites évoquant le CPE le montre

Blogs, sites militants ou syndicaux, sites d’information…la galaxie internet regorge d’informations autour du CPE que ce soit pour donner des informations, pour mobiliser les troupes ou pour discuter à travers des forums.

כך זה נראה במהומות הקודמות



נערך לאחרונה ע"י lea10 בתאריך 19-03-2006 בשעה 03:24.
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