07-03-2022, 05:50
збш оъашйк: 07.02.05
дегтеъ: 2,953
оомйх оаег мчшеа аъ дщшщеш дрмеед мцйех доцешу оид; аорн ашек, абм бтм ъебреъ оаег ощотеъйеъ тбеш лм ой щщбей бчерсфцйд щдшесйн дн айжещдй отцоъ мезод амчишерйъ.
йеъш ожд, ежд дзмч догдйн баоъ:
осъбш щзмч ма обеим оотшк дъчщешъ дцбай дшесй осъок тм олщйшй чщш ажшзйн фщеийн армевйн еимферйн рййгйн, од щдефк аъ дъчщешъ щмдн вмейд млм гйлфйп - ддщмлеъ ддшсрйеъ добцтйеъ бшешеъ, лое вн дчмеъ доиешфъ щдаечшайрйн осевмйн мщбщ аъ дъчщешъ дже.
дщшщеш олйм чбцй аегйе щм ъчщешъ шесйъ щйешид т"й даечшайрйн, лк щйщ сйоелйп мгбшйн.
лое лп, дрд аъш дошлж аъ чбцй даегйе:
лод цйиеийн фетшй фд одщшщеш:
For the 1st time in a modern conflict, the regular forces of Russia are communicating without digital mode, making them fully audible by everyone.
Using publicly available web radio receiveir (webSDR), callsigns of Russian military units and roles were discovered. Reports of losses, injuries, ... everything can be heard. Even them swearing at their own crew, such as in this recording.
Because unsecured communications, the frequencies have been constantly jammed by civilians, sometimes in the middle of fights, making the ground infantry unable to operate properly and having to withdraw.
An entire community created itself around those communications, currently scanning and recording anything of interest, including ShadowBreak. Creating hours of intense Russian army chatter recordings, each demonstrating an army unprepared for such situation.
мцфййд бцйех дочешй баъш Twitter, мзце лап.
лое лп, вн CIT оъййзсйн митреъ др"м лодйореъ.
мцфййд бцйех дочешй баъш Twitter, мзце лап.