03-08-2020, 19:08
חבר מתאריך: 11.04.06
הודעות: 576
במקור נכתב על ידי HSI
בדף של צפע 361 נכתב כי זהו מסוק מדגם E שהוסב לדגם S. אולם, לפחות עפ"י ויקיפדיה, דגם E הינו מתקדם יותר מדגם S. האם הכוונה היא להסבה מ-Q ל-S?
אתה צודק, E זהוא אחד מהשיפורים של S.
המשך יכתוב באנגלית, כי מעברים בין שפות משבשות טקסט:
AH-1 Cobra (Bell-209), first flight in 1965, was based on utility helicopter UH-1 Iroquois, "Huey" (Bell-204/205/212), first flight in 1956, this is the reason than first model was AH-1G and not AH-1A. I.e. from POV of US Army AH-1 and UH-1 were “different version of same helicopter”.
Cobra have 2 families: single-engine Cobra and twin-engine SuperCobra (like AH-1J SeaCobra, AH-1T Improved SeaCobra, AH-1W SuperCobra, AH-1Z Viper). Below I will spoke only about single-engine Cobra;
First Cobra was AH-1G model, fire support helicopter with M28 turret (for 2 weapons from 2 types: 7.62 mm Minigun or M129 40 mm grenade launcher) and rockets (i.e. without TOW missiles);
Second version was anti-tank AH-1Q – also with M28 turret, but also with M65 TOW/Cobra missile system;
Third version was AH-1S with more powerful engine (1800 HP, previous have 1400 HP). Later AH-1S was improved and get new version marks:
AH-1P (“production” version of AH-1S);
AH-1E (with 20 mm M97A1 gun and other improvements, ECAS – Enhanced Cobra Armament System);
AH-1F (all improvement of AH-1P and AH-1E and additional improvement of electronic systems).
So generally, AH-1P, AH-1E and AH-1F are sub-versions of AH-1S. IAF get only AH-1E and AH-1F, i.e. was no AH-1P in Israel.
In US all AH-1E built as modernization of AH-1G and AH-1Q.
IAF has 6 AH-1Q (modernization from original AH-1G). Till end of service them were with M28 turret, not know if engine was replaced (if yes – it mean modernisation to AH-1P level).