20-12-2011, 18:32
חבר מתאריך: 08.07.04
הודעות: 3,342
לבנון-גופת עיתונאי אמריקאי נמצאה באזור הררי בלבנון
גופתו של ג'ון רדווין בן ה33 עיתונאי בהכשרתו נמצאה בתוך בור ביער צפונית לביירות.
US journalist found dead in Sannine mountain DECEMBER 20, 2011 ⋅ 4:04 PM ⋅ POST A COMMENT John Redwine, a 33 year old American citizen from Sioux Falls (Iowa), was found dead in a hole in Sannine Mountain, Northern Beirut. He was reported as “missing” over the weekend, and an American Embassy team joined the Lebanese military in their search efforts. Approximately 100 personnel from both the Lebanese Army and the Internal Security Forces (ISF) participated in the search operation.They used two helicopters and trained search dogs in their search efforts. “Teams said the man they had found appeared to have fallen to his death”, reported the Daily Star.
נערך לאחרונה ע"י gps בתאריך 20-12-2011 בשעה 18:39.