05-06-2011, 01:39
חבר מתאריך: 08.07.04
הודעות: 3,342
חיזבאללה-ארה"ב מונעת הקמת הממשלה בלבנון
ארה"ב משתמשת בוועדת החקירה ע"מ להשפיע על הכוחות הפוליטיים בלבנון,היא זו שעומדת מאחרי חוסר ההסכמה בהקמת הממשלה.
Hizbullah accused the Untied States on Saturday of hindering the formation of the new Lebanese government and using the international tribunal as a tool to change the balance of power in the country. Deputy head of Hizbullah’s executive council Sheikh Nabil Qaouq said: “The international tribunal has become a political tool in the local political balance of power that the U.S. and its followers in Lebanon are using to confront the current parliamentary majority.” He said reports that the tribunal would issue the indictment in July mean that the U.S. wants to block the formation of the cabinet which when formed it would defeat the “American veto.”