10-12-2010, 15:35
חבר מתאריך: 13.09.07
הודעות: 2,315
בתגובה להודעה מספר 1 שנכתבה על ידי Shai שמתחילה ב "בעיה: תצוגה לא "מתפרשת" על כל המסך (מצורפות תמונות להמחשה)"
setup>image size>screen fit
CCC>advanced>right click on your LCD>configure>scaling=0%
ואם כל זה עדין לא עוזר
Open regedit and go to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Video\
In there, there'll be some keys looking like this:
{ECA904C2-25E6-4680-9B2C-44EBC0EC9190} (with different numbers ;o)
Highlight the "Video" key on top of the tree, and do a search for "1920x1080"
You'll find some keys in subfolders named 0000, 0001, etc.
The keys will begin with DALR6 DFPXXXXxYYYYx0xFF
XXXX= Horizontal resolution YYYY= Vertical resolution FF= Display frequency
Before you continue, take a bakup of the original keys by right-clicking the {ECA904C2-25E6-4680-9B2C-44EBC0EC9190}-type key, and select "Export"
Click on the key matching the screen resolution and frequency you want to remove the borders of.
A lot of the key will consist of "00", but there'll be a few non-00 entries. Change all of these to 00.
Finally, I had two subfolders, 0000 and 0001, containing mirrors of the same keys. When I changed a key in one subfolder, it also changed in the other.
This fixed the problem for me, no need to install CCC.
Effects will take place next time you change the screen resolution.
תעדכן אותנו ובהצלחה!!!