28-11-2009, 23:29
збш оъашйк: 24.08.08
дегтеъ: 1,478
Airbus A400M Atlas, оиес дъебмд дайшефй
азшй щдфшейчи тог бсоп щамд елоти беим тчб гзйеъ шбеъ еай тогд бмез джорйн оцйгд щм збшъ EADS, гбш щдшъйз шбйн одогйреъ щщеъфеъ бфшейчи двгем джд, едзбшд тогд бфрй аемйиоиен оцг аеъп огйреъ, ае щдзбшд ъцйв дъчгоеъ бфшейчи тг сеу дщрд ае щдн обимйн аъ дзежд щмдн мшлщ оиесй A400.
дзбшд бйцтд рйсей боретйн дзгщйн мазш дъчрън тм доиес мфрй лод йойн, еалп аеъе рйсей девгш лдцмзд, емлп дцтг дба йдйд ийсд шащерд боиес, ежд лаоеш йчшд ъек щбетййн.
оиес дъебмд дзгщ йзмйу аъ доиесйн C-130 дшчемс е C-160 бзймеъ даеешй щм догйреъ щоълеереъ мшлещ аеъе, мфй дъйлреп емез джорйн щрчбт, доиес дшащеп аоеш дйд мдйосш ммчезеъ бщръ 2009 , абм тчб бтйеъ илрйеъ ерйдем мчей щм дфшейчи вшн млк щдфшейчи зшв аоег омез джорйн, емлп доиес дшащеп цфей мдйосшбщръ 2012-2013 .
догйреъ щоълеереъ мшлещ аъ доиес дп вшорйд (60 оиесйн), цшфъ (50 оиесйн), сфшг (27 оиесйн),бшйирйд (25 оиесйн), иешчйд (10 оиесйн), бмвйд (7 оиесйн), омжйд (4 оиесйн) , ц'ймй (3 оиесйн), мечсобешв ( оиес азг).
Airbus: First Flight for A400M in 2 Weeks
Airbus' long-delayed A400M military transport will make its first test flight during the week beginning Dec. 7, "weather permitting", the European aircraft manufacturer said Nov. 27.
The A400M was to replace aging military cargo carriers in several European air forces, but its development has been dogged by a series of serious technical problems and its in service date has been pushed from 2009 to 2013.
Some governments have begun to tire of waiting for Airbus to resolve the issues, and French and German officials have given the firm until the end of the year to prove that the project remains viable.
"Ground tests of the first A400M are progressing satisfactorily at our facility. This allows us to anticipate a first flight in the week 50, weather permitting," said Airbus military chairman and managing director Domingo Urena.
When the $28 billion (20 billion euro) A400M project began, it was hoped that a first test flight would be held in 2008 and that air forces would have had the airframe in service by the end of this year.
There is now little hope that the first production models will be delivered by 2012, and none is expected on the world's battlefield airstrips until 2013.
The delays have cost millions and forced Airbus to renegotiate contracts with several customers. South Africa has dropped its order entirely and Britain has mulled switching is business to U.S. manufacturers.
Seven European countries - Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain and Turkey - have ordered 180 planes between them, in most cases to replace aging Transall and C-130 Hercules transports
[дъоерд дбад овйтд очйщеш щма оъзйм б https емлп ма деиотд бгу лгй мщоеш тм https ъчйп: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2488/4141167631_0f55ed841a.jpg]
[дъоерд дбад овйтд очйщеш щма оъзйм б https емлп ма деиотд бгу лгй мщоеш тм https ъчйп: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2493/4141924778_0dc1f8aeff.jpg]
ртшк мазшерд т"й ralf бъашйк 28-11-2009 бщтд 23:32.