במקור נכתב על ידי מ.ק.
חיפשתי תמונות של חיילים אמריקאים ובריטים באפגניסטאן ובעירק, לראות אם הם סוחבים קנה ספיר למאג (M240).
האמת היא שלא הצלחתי (אולי מאג 2 לוקח את הקנה אצלם?).
משהו יודע אם הם, או צבאות אחרים שמשתמשים במאג, סוחבים קנה ספיר?
As far as I know, in the US Army (and also Marines), each M240 is operated by a team of three with a total ammount of 900 to 1200 rounds of ammo
I don't know if this is the actual practice everywhere, but the following load information is from a 2003 report based on actual 82nd Division Paratrooper usage in Afghanistan
Gunner takes 300 rnds and the machine gun
Assistant Gunner takes 400 rnds and the tripod
Ammo Bearer takes 300 rnds and the spare barrel
Note that the AG and AB also carry M4s with 7 magazines while the gunner has a 9mm pistol with three magazines for backup
As for the M249 SAW (FN Minimi), the standard load plan is for the gunner to take 800rnds (I've read some say 600rnds) and the spare barrel himself
Despite what is written above, I also have found it difficult to spot in photos/video any US, Canadian or British soldiers actually carrying a spare barrel in foot patrols. Judging from the letters you posted above, it seems that many are opting to leave it behind
I guess that I am not the only one with "bad" habits and that "lazy" soldiers are an international disease