30-11-2009, 22:58
חבר מתאריך: 08.07.04
הודעות: 3,342
בתגובה להודעה מספר 1 שנכתבה על ידי s0ulj4h שמתחילה ב "לבנון אישרה מסמך מדיניות המכיר במאבק המזויין נגד ישראל"
הטורבאן רוטט השפתיים החליט לעשות פרומו לויז'יון החדש של אירגון החיזבאללה,יתכן ולאחדים מאיתנו זה ישמע די דומה לקולות שנישמעים מחדרי המיטות של אחמדיניג'אד וחמינאי........
אזהרה : השיעה נכנסו חזק לקטע של " אימאם (נעלם) עכשיו " המעשים יהפכו יותר ויותר מטורפים וקיצוניים ובעיקר מיליטנטיים,לא כל יום פורים..
לא אמרח כאן את כל חלומותיו הרטובים נתמקד רק במה שמסמל המשפט הבא:
"אנחנו בעד דו-שיח עם הפלסטינים...."
" רואים בשחרור האדמות הפלסטיניות כהגנה עצמית"
“Our fight against the Zionist-colonialism project in Palestine is a self-defense against the Israeli injustice which threatens our existence,” Nasrallah added.
למי שחשב אחרת - נסראללה לא מכיר במדינת ישראל (מישהו מופתע ?) ולכן לא שבעא ולא ראג'ר ישנו כהוא זה.
בגדול הוא בעד אחדות ,קידמה וצדק בלבנון......אבל עד שזה יושג חיזבאללה ישמור על כוחו הצבאי.
הוא רואה צורך בהתנגדות להגמוניה האמריקאית הקפיטלסטית שיוצרת עימותים צבאיים ע"מ למחוק זהות עצמית של מדינות.
ה"קישקוש" המלא של נסראללה מ"לבנון עכשיו" או במילים אחרות תיבת הפאנדורה שהונחה בפיתחו
של סלימאן המסכן.
Nasrallah calls for ending political sectarianism, national defense strategy of Lebanese army alongside Resistance
November 30, 2009
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Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah announced on Monday his party’s new political platform—the second such manifesto it has released since 1985—which was adopted earlier November at the end of a Hezbollah’s general conference. He outlined the party’s vision on international politics and domestic affairs, saying its philosophy “comes as the result of the responsibility of the sacrifices that we have experienced.”
Nasrallah started by explaining that the platform comes in the context of “an exceptional time filled with transformations” reflecting the “decline of US hegemony.” He added that this decline is leading to a “multi-polar” international system.
“It is no longer possible to address these changes without noting the special position our Resistance has reached,” he said.
Nasrallah added that despite the “failure of the enemy’s war strategy, the party does not underestimate the size of the challenges and risks ahead of us,” and declared that “the Resistance has reasons to strengthen itself.”
Nasrallah then detailed Hezbollah’s view of the decline of the “unipolar” system, slamming the US for imposing a “domination project,” which reached its peak “during the neoconservative gripped administration of [former US President] George W. Bush.” He added that violence is currently caused by “powers controlling trans-national monopoly networks” and decried “savage capitalism” for having militarized globalization into a force “to divide and destroy identities.”
“The US war on terror has cost millions of lives, in addition to the mass destruction it wrought,” he said, warning that “the decline and failure of US strategy does not mean it will stop interfering. Rather, it will make an effort to protect its strategic interests.”
Nasrallah shifted topics from the perceived decline of US power to the party’s vision for domestic Lebanese affairs, saying, “We want Lebanon to belong to all the Lebanese. We reject any form of division and federalism.”
He added that “The elimination of political sectarianism is the main pre-condition to establish a true democracy and the Taif Accord stipulated the formation of a national council for this end.” Nasrallah blamed sectarianism “for being a strong obstacle to achieving a true democracy, whereby the elected majority can rule and the opposition can exercise its role.”
Despite Hezbollah’s desire for a sectarian-free democracy, Nasrallah said that until achieving it, his party accepts “consensus democracy” pursuant to the Constitution and National Pact. “Consensus democracy is a suitable political formula that ensures the participation of all parties,” he noted.
Nasrallah outlined his party’s vision for the Lebanese state, saying it must “guarantee public liberties, ensure national unity and protect its sovereignty and independence with a strong and capable army.” He stressed the importance of “modern” institutions, an economy built on agriculture and industry and a strong judiciary.
He also called for a modern electoral law with “accurate electoral representation” and added that the state needs to cater to its citizens’ needs, empower the youth and women and prioritize education.
Nasrallah added that non-administrative decentralization must be adopted, but it cannot become the means to the creation of a federalism.
He mapped out his party’s policy on a national defense strategy, saying that Lebanon needs to confront Israeli threats with a popular resistance supported by the people and a national army that ensures the country’s stability and security. “Adopting the choice of the Resistance allowed Lebanon to achieve real independence and safeguard its sovereignty,” he added.
Nasrallah also called on the Lebanese to grant Palestinian refugees in the country “their civil and social rights,” but refuse their naturalization. Nasrallah also called for “direct Lebanese-Palestinian dialogue.”
Nasrallah addressed Lebanon’s foreign relations, and called for the country to “maintain its special relations with Syria because it is a political, security and economic need dictated by the two countries’ interests.” He added that “negative atmosphere” clouding these relations must be removed.
According to him, Lebanon’s relations with Syria are part of the country’s overall relations with the Arab world and its confrontation with Israel. “Lebanon is Arab in nature and belonging” and added that its interests “necessitate a commitment to just Arab causes.” He called some Arab countries’ disputes with Iran as a “stab to the back of Arab causes that only serves Israel and the US.”
Nasrallah also stressed the importance of cooperation between Islamic countries and described Iran as an “important, central state in the Islamic world… which supports resistance movements in our area and supports Arab and Islamic causes.” He added that the “fabrications of contradictions” between Iran and Arab countries is a “stab in the back to the Arab cause, which serves only Israel and the US.”
He then discussed Israel, saying it is natural “for the Zionist entity to experience an existence crisis since it is a non-viable entity” and added that all nations must work to “liberate all the lands occupied [by Israel].” He also criticized the Middle East peace process diplomacy practiced by US President Barack Obama.
“Our fight against the Zionist-colonialism project in Palestine is a self-defense against the Israeli injustice which threatens our existence,” Nasrallah added.
Nasrallah widened the discussion to the West, saying that the US is responsible for problems in the “international system” by supporting Israel, dominating international institutions, interfering in other societies’ affairs and militarizing the world. He also blasted European policies for “oscillating between impotence and inefficiency on one hand and unjustified subordination to US policies on the other.”
“We believe that a more independent, just and objective European approach is required in order to have Arab-European cooperation,” he added.
He also said Hezbollah has “common ground with the independence and liberation movements in many countries in Latin America” and added that “the ‘Unity of the Vulnerable’ will always be a pillar of our political thought and our relations and positions regarding international causes.”
Nasrallah focused on Palestine in particular, saying the Palestinians have the right to resist through all forms, primarily armed struggle. He cited the 2000 Israeli withdrawal from the South, their 2005 withdrawal from Gaza, the 2006 July War, the first and second Intifadas as well as the Hamas takeover of Gaza, and the 2009 Gaza War as victories against Israel.
“We assure our constant and continuous support of the Palestinian people and cause against Israel,” he added.
Nasrallah also called on “Arab leaders to review their agreements with Israel and give up the idea of compromising with it, especially those who gambled on US administration policies.” He added that “Israel has proved that is does not seek peace and uses negotiations to impose its conditions and to achieve its gains.”
He instead said Hezbollah hopes the Arab and Islamic countries would “unite and commit to the liberation of the land and reject the alternatives of naturalization of Palestinians.”
We call on the Arabs to set plans to liberate Palestinians in Israeli prisons,” he added.
Nasrallah then had a question and answer session with journalists, the content of which can be read at the following link.