13-10-2009, 23:09
חבר מתאריך: 30.08.09
הודעות: 2,880
אוקיי, ביררתי קצת ונתקלתי בפייסבוק בזה:
There's a photo of me on Facebook that I want taken down.
Remember that you can only tag your friends. If you are having problems with someone constantly tagging you in embarrassing photos, just remove them as a friend (from the Friends page).
If you don't want the photo to be shown at all, please talk to the person who posted it. They should be respectful enough to remove unwanted photos. Unfortunately, Facebook CANNOT make people remove photos that do not violate our Terms of Use.
I’d like to report an abusive photo.
Responsibilities by clicking the "Report This Photo" link underneath the image. Photos containing drug use, nudity, or other graphic or sexually suggestive content are not allowed, nor are photos that depict violence or that attack an individual or group.
Facebook reviews every report we receive to determine whether or not the content
violates our Terms of Use and will take appropriate action.
שאלתי את אותו אחד שגרם לחסימת המשתמש של האחר, הוא אמר שהתמונות שלו עברו עריכה והכילו תכנים פורנוגרפיים
אז במקרה שלך כנראה לא ניתן לעשות כלום