07-04-2009, 10:31
חבר מתאריך: 19.09.05
הודעות: 1,280
from the same source http://www.scribd.com/doc/12887187/...aliber-Firearms
Cartridge, 5.56mm, Ball, M193
Description: BALL. the cartridge is identified by a plain bullet tip.
Propellant - WC 844 or CMR 170
Charge - 28.5 (WC 844) or 26.5 (CMR 170) grains
Projectile Weight - 56 grains
Chamber Pressure - 52,000 psi
Velocity - 3250 fps, 15 feet from muzzle
Cartridge, 5.56mm, Ball, M855
Description: BALL. the cartridge is identified by a green bullet tip.
Propellant - WC 844
Charge - 26.1 grains
Projectile Weight - 62 grains
Chamber Pressure - 55,000 psi
Velocity - 3025 fps, 78 feet from muzzle
Sorry for the English... I was a bad student in Hebrew school
אבל אפשר לענות לי בעברית
נערך לאחרונה ע"י zragon13 בתאריך 07-04-2009 בשעה 10:35.