25-10-2006, 21:28
חבר מתאריך: 02.03.06
הודעות: 1,116
התבלבלתי- זה GDI+
With the introduction of Windows XP, GDI was deprecated in favor of its successor, the C++ based GDI+ subsystem. GDI+ is a "next generation" 2D graphics environment, adding advanced features such as alpha blending, gradient shading, more complex path management, intrinsic support for modern graphics-file formats like JPEG and PNG (which were conspicuously absent in GDI), and general support for composition of affine transformations in the 2D view pipeline. Use of these features is apparent in Windows XP's user interface, and their presence in the basic graphics layer greatly simplifies implementations of vector-graphics systems such as Flash or SVG. The GDI+ dynamic library can be shipped with an application and used under older versions of Windows.
The Microsoft .NET class library provides a managed interface for GDI+ via the System.Drawing namespace.
GDI+ is similar (in purpose and structure) to Apple's Quartz 2D subsystem, and the open-source libart and Cairo libraries.
הסיבה שאני מעדיפה פלאש זאת הסיבה שככה אני לא אצטרך כל פעם לעשות CLEARDEVICE ולשים תמונה שטיפה שונה כיד לעשות השליה של תמונה שזזה.
נערך לאחרונה ע"י michelle15g בתאריך 25-10-2006 בשעה 21:30.