04-08-2006, 13:23
חבר מתאריך: 09.11.03
הודעות: 565
תוכנת צריבה איכותית ONES Version 2.0
אמנם אינה חינמית אולם ראויה למחמאות. (מניסיון )
<LI>Dynamic interface for both beginners and power users.
<LI>Burn easily DVD Video, DVD ROM, Audio CD, CD Rom, CD Extra, Video CD and much more...
<LI>User is shielded to make setting mistakes.
<LI>Totally Driverless Application; no frequent download updates are needed.
<LI>Create easily Audio compilations from MP3, WMA or WAV.
<LI>Easy and understandable Overburning.
<LI>Full support of CD-R 100 Min.
<LI>True recording speed.
DVD Native application open to all new DVD standards.