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כלי אשכול חפש באשכול זה

ישן 12-08-2005, 03:54
  lea10 lea10 אינו מחובר  
חבר מתאריך: 28.10.04
הודעות: 1,387
צילום ברזיל:שוד הבנק ההסטורי 70 מליון $ 2 נתפסו עם שליש מהכסף


זה היה צריך להיות שוד הבנק הגדול בהסטוריה של ברזיל.
השודדים שכרו בית מספר חודשים לפני השוד שבוצע בסוף השבוע האחרון.
הם חפרו מנהרה באורך 200 מטר לבנק של ברזיל סניף פורטאלזה.
השוד התגלה רק ביום שני.
וידיאו ובו המנהרה כאן בקישור להתאזר בסבלנות הוא יופיע אם לא יגיע קישור נוסף עם וידיאוס משם.


הבנק המרכזי של ברזיל פרסם הודעה מיוחדת כאן


בהודעה נתונים על השוד הענק בן 70 מליון דולר במזומן בכסף ברזילי מעל 160 מליון ריאל.
השודדים הטיפשים רכשו מכוניות/מכונית בכסף מזומן העמיסו אותם על מוביל ונסעו כ- 2500 ק"מ.מוכר המכוניות מסר עדות במשטרה - מעולם לא קנו אצלו מכוניות/מכונית בכסף מזומן...
שכנה של השודדים ששכרו את הבית ליד הבנק זיהתה בתמונות במשטרה את אחד השודדים למרות שהחזיק בזהות מזוייפת..
המוביל נעצר ביום רביעי בלילה בחיפוש במכונית אחת על המוביל נתפסו שטרות מסומנים בני 50 ריאל כל אחד. עם המוביל נתפסו 2 שודדים מההרכב...
משטרת ברזיל מאשרת שתפסה חלק מהכסף בהודעה המתפרסמת באתר משטרת ברזיל עכשיו.


אך העיתון גלובו אומר כי יש לו אישור של המשטרה ששליש מהכסף כבר נתפס כאן


או כ- 40 מליון ריאל במטבע ברזילי.
תמונה של כסף זרוק בטרנספורטר שנמצא בסביבת הבנק.מיד

אנגלית לקוראי חו"ל

Police investigate biggest bank robbery in Brazilian history

Fortaleza - Three months ago a house was rented for commercial use in Fortaleza, capital of the state of Ceará. The house was located some 80 meters away from the local Central Bank of Brazil (BC) builidng on a street that ran parallel to the street where the BC was located. A landscaping firm, called Synthetic Grass, opened for business in the house.

For the past three months the occupants of the house have been doing some unusual landscaping. It was all underground. They dug a tunnel exactly 78 meters long, with interior lighting and air conditioning. The tunnel was dug 4 meters below the surface. It was 70 centimeters high, 70 centimeters wide and lined with canvas and wood.

When the diggers reached their destination, the vault of the BC, they had to cut through 1.10 meters of solid steel-reinforced concrete before they could get to the money. That is what they did this weekend. The bank vault closed on Friday and when it was opened Monday morning a lot of money had disappeared and the robbery was discovered.

The amount of money missing, in used, untraceable bills, totalled US$65 million (R$150 million), making it the biggest bank robbery in Brazilian history, and the second biggest ever (behind only a US$72 million robbery in England in 1987).

The police say they have descriptions of the men involved and have begun a manhunt. The BC president, Henrique Meirelles, has ordered the bank to make its own investigation and report back to him. Meirelles is curious about how that much money, weighing an estimated 3.5 tons, could have been moved around without anyone seeing anything. There is also the problem of an alarm system inside the vault that did not work.

Quadrilha roubou R$ 156 milhões da sede do Banco Central em Fortaleza

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policia federal found around 20 million $ of the stolen money and arrested 2 criminals.

תמונה שהועלתה על ידי גולש באתר ולכן אין אנו יכולים לדעת מה היא מכילה

נערך לאחרונה ע"י lea10 בתאריך 12-08-2005 בשעה 04:23.
תגובה ללא ציטוט תגובה עם ציטוט חזרה לפורום
ישן 12-08-2005, 04:13
  lea10 lea10 אינו מחובר  
חבר מתאריך: 28.10.04
הודעות: 1,387
UPDATE 2 AP & 2 Videos
בתגובה להודעה מספר 1 שנכתבה על ידי lea10 שמתחילה ב "ברזיל:שוד הבנק ההסטורי 70 מליון $ 2 נתפסו עם שליש מהכסף"

Brazilian police recover some stolen cash

[התמונה הבאה מגיעה מקישור שלא מתחיל ב https ולכן לא הוטמעה בדף כדי לשמור על https תקין: http://www.bradenton.com/images/common/spacer.gif]


[התמונה הבאה מגיעה מקישור שלא מתחיל ב https ולכן לא הוטמעה בדף כדי לשמור על https תקין: http://www.bradenton.com/images/common/spacer.gif]

Associated Press

[התמונה הבאה מגיעה מקישור שלא מתחיל ב https ולכן לא הוטמעה בדף כדי לשמור על https תקין: http://www.bradenton.com/images/common/spacer.gif]

SAO PAULO, Brazil - Some 1,240 miles from the site of the crime, Brazilian police said Thursday they recovered a small percentage of the $70 million million in local currency stolen from the Central Bank in one of the world's biggest heists.

But authorities were suspicious that the discovery of 1 million reals, or roughly $434,780, inside a Mitsubishi pickup that was on a transport truck may be a ruse to misdirect the investigation.

"We were tipped off on Monday by the owner of the car dealership who received cash for the vehicle, something almost no one ever does," federal police spokeswoman Sabrina Albuquerque told The Associated Press by telephone.

Acting on the tip, police stopped the truck used to carry vehicles near the southeastern city of Belo Horizonte. A search unveiled the money stashed in the pickup. The stacks of 50 real notes - the same denomination stolen from the bank in the northeastern city of Fortaleza last weekend - were tied with Central Bank wrappers, said Albuquerque.

She said the vehicle was bought Saturday afternoon and, hours later, was loaded onto the truck headed for Sao Paulo. The truck's driver and his assistant were being questioned.

Authorities suspect the purchase of the pickup and the truck to transport it could be "a ploy to point investigators in the wrong direction," said Albuquerque. She added that police also were investigating whether two different gangs teamed up to pull of the caper in a "a kind of crime consortium."

Brazil's Central Bank released an official statement Thursday evening saying that the amount stolen was $70 million, instead of the $67.8 million it reported earlier. The bank explained the higher figure came after police allowed officials access to records at the crime scene.

On Wednesday, authorities said they had identified some of the thieves and were looking into the possibility the heist was pulled off by the First Capital Command, one of Brazil's most notorious organized crime groups. No arrests have been made.

"Several suspects have been identified and we are closing in on them," Albuquerque said without elaborating in order "to not jeopardize the investigations."

The Sao Paulo-based group, better known as PCC, has gained notoriety over the past several years for masterminding bank holdups, kidnappings and violent prison uprisings in several parts of the country.

Another $2,325 in reals, also bound by Central Bank wrappers, was found in a white van parked near the scene of the crime earlier this week.

The money was stolen over the weekend by about 10 men who spent three months digging a tunnel from a house they had rented near the bank in Fortaleza, 1,550 miles northeast of Sao Paulo.

While the amount taken surpassed the $65 million stolen in 1987 from the Knightbridge Safe Deposit Center in London, once recognized by experts as the planet's biggest robbery, it was dwarfed by the theft of $900 million in U.S. bills plus as much as $100 million worth of euros from the Iraq Central Bank in 2003.

The money was not insured, and the Central Bank has said the funds will be replaced by the Treasury, meaning that Brazilian taxpayers will foot the bill.

Central Bank spokeswoman Beatriz Dornelles said they do not insure the money in the vaults because the risks involved are too small to justify the insurance premiums. She said it was "too early to comment" on whether that policy would be changed.

Authorities, meanwhile, continued examining fingerprints and scouring through evidence left behind by the thieves, including shovels, pickaxes, saws, drill and other tools they used to dig the tunnel and cut through the vault's steel-reinforced concrete floor.

Inside the vault, they broke into containers filled with used 50-real notes - equivalent to about $22 - which were apparently transported back through the tunnel by a pulley system attached to a large plastic barrel cut in half.

A forklift used to carry the container was accidentally left by a bank employee in front of the vault's security camera preventing it from recording the theft, Albuquerque said, adding that police are still investigating why the vault's motion detectors and alarms did not function.

Roban 52 millones de euros del Banco Central de Brasil con un butrón tras hacerse pasar por jardineros

UPDATE NOW in Spanish El Mundo Here

Capturan a los presuntos autores del mayor robo en la historia brasile


RÍO DE JANEIRO (BRASIL).- La policía brasileña capturó a dos hombres acusados de haber participado el pasado fin de semana en el que es considerado el mayor robo a un banco en Brasil, y recuperó parte del dinero. Las detenciones tuvieron lugar en Sete Lagoas, a unos 2.500 kilómetros de Fortaleza, donde se robaron 150 millones de reales (48,9 millones de euros) de la caja fuerte de la sede regional del Banco Central.

La policía de carreteras interceptó en un retén en Sete Lagoas, municipio del estado de Minas Gerais (sudeste), un camión remolcador que transportaba 11 vehículos y que era buscado desde el lunes en todo el país porque se sospechaba que era usado por los autores del millonario robo.

נערך לאחרונה ע"י lea10 בתאריך 12-08-2005 בשעה 04:40.
תגובה ללא ציטוט תגובה עם ציטוט חזרה לפורום

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