25-10-2016, 06:53
חבר מתאריך: 01.08.05
הודעות: 12,667
טכנולוגיות טילים ישראליות. שליטה כמוסה?
(מתורגם ע"י GOOGLE)
Israeli missile technologies. Latent domination?
Of the nine countries belonging to the contemporary world's "nuclear club" Israel has one of the least known national arsenals of ballistic missiles and resources launchers for satellites. Although it is difficult to precise data on the local nuclear weapons program, there is no shortage, however, indications that the high level of development of the Israeli move. Evidence of this, both the specifics of the local space program, as well as the current progress in the improvement of military missile technology - including the tests of new missiles long-range Jericho-3. Key international analytical institutes do not hesitate to acknowledge these efforts as one of the manifestations of contemporary tightening international competition in the field of nuclear weapons.
Israeli missile arsenal. Intercontinental weapons?
In the current edition of the annual report of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute), SIPRI Yearbook 2016 identified Israel as one of the countries doers intensified efforts to strengthen its potential use of nuclear weapons. Recognized in this aspect mainly tests the first Israeli intercontinental ballistic missile from a real event that can have the ability to carry nuclear warheads weighing up to 750 kg (probably also in options 2-3 heads MIRV) at a distance in excess of 11000 km. We are talking about the third generation of Jericho missiles - a four-level long-range missiles, which are already in service probably from 2011. If their performance is evaluated correctly, can successfully deliver cargo to the war virtually anywhere in the territories of the other eight nuclear powers.
Israeli efforts to master this technology have their origins deeper. When in September 1988 Israel fired a low earth orbit first own satellite (ofeq-1) using a new space rocket Shavit (from Hebrew. Comet), it became clear that the small country in the Middle East has in its resources highly advanced ballistic measures nuclear warheads. Many observers have pointed in this context that the Shavit is reminiscent of a strategic missile Jericho-2 with an additional degree laden satellite instead of a warhead. In practice, this meant the possibility of destruction of targets at Israeli territory thousands of kilometers - including coverage all the capitals of hostile Arab states, and even the targets in Europe, or in the territory of the former Soviet Union.
In the tangle of insinuations and conjectures
Despite this, carried out by Israel attempts missile Jericho-2 and its subsequent modifications ended up at a considerably shorter distances, ranging from 1450 to 1500 km. In the context of parallel successful launches Shavit rocket from the Baikonur Palmachim, located 10 km south of Tel Aviv, there were suspicions that the full capabilities of missile Jericho-2 have not yet been disclosed during the trial. They seemed to be confirmed by comments of representatives of the US Department of Defense, who suggested more than once that Israel deliberately did not take in the 80s of the twentieth century, testing the maximum range of their rockets. This was primarily attributable to space constraints and political incentives to avoid rocket flights over the territory of hostile states (though similar tests missiles also conducted in cooperation with the Republic of South Africa). Hence the well further unconventional spatial orientation Israel launches spacecraft to the west - the specific flight path and despite the favorable approach orbital east.
Read also: New Israeli spy in orbit
Diagram flight stages Shavit rocket. Illustration: Israel Aerospace Industries / www.iai.co.il
The possibility of Israeli space rockets have become a natural point of reference for estimating the range of their combat counterparts. But these are, in the opinion of observers, were to be able to cross the distance of 4500 km laden battle weighing up to 1000 kg. Regardless of the identified performance, even in the era of 90s they evaluated them as superfluous from the point of view of strategic objectives and interests of Israel, which were supposed to focus on the hazards closely in the Middle East.
Nevertheless, it soon became clear that Israel sees a deeper meaning in the development of long-range missiles. Work on intercontinental strategic missile were already at the beginning of the new century, with probable origins even before 2004. The new rocket cousine Jericho-3 retained relationship with the carrier rocket Shavit, though the latter also has undergone over the years a thorough modification. A new type of missiles adapted to the firing of the missile silos hidden, although it is suspected that supplied the Israeli army is also a mobile version.
The secret of the utmost importance
Israel, though qualified as one of the nine countries 'nuclear club', never officially admitted to having nuclear weapons. It is also unclear whether Israel ever carried out a test of its nuclear weapons. Suspicions are born to this day the story of the mysterious incident recorded in the vicinity of belonging to the Republic of South Africa Prince Edward Islands in the Indian Ocean. On 22 September 1979, the American satellite Vela registered in that region of the double flash, which is likely the result of a strong explosion atmospheric, but takes into account the possibility of anomalies in the systems of the instrument. Many researchers, however, tends toward the hypothesis that this was a secret nuclear test conducted jointly by South Africa and Israel.
Apart from this, various think tanks estimate the number of Israeli nuclear warheads in the range between 75 and 500 units. The aforementioned report SIPRI for 2016 provides, in turn, the approximate value of 80 ballistic missiles. In addition to these systems, the Israeli army has probably also other carriers of nuclear weapons - artillery shells, odpalanymi of sea cruise missiles and fighters F-15I and F-16I. This need is likely to be adapted in the next decade - imported from the USA - fighters reduced detection F-35 Lightning II. Enhanced possibilities in this respect is to have the Israeli navy, which introduced the service of German submarines Dolphin class II-armed Popeye Turbo rockets with a range of 1500 km. The last of the three ordered so far ships of the class indicated has come to the Middle East in 2017.
The third stage Shavit rocket. Fig. Ladislav Faigl via Wikipedia
Israeli launchers are meanwhile in use as a launch pad for light domestic satellites within low Earth orbit. Among them are primarily probe spy family ofeq, fired on the use of the armed forces as an optoelectronic instruments of Earth observation. The Israeli Ministry of Defense has placed recently on the orbit of the eleventh constructed has a copy of that satellite reconnaissance. The supplier is the company Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), which creates a dedicated satellite equipment platform based on Optsat-3000. The company is also a major builder elements Shavit rocket.
Read also: Israeli satellite platform OptSat-3000
Sam launcher offers extensive opportunities to reconfigure the system to missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. This is a direct result of deriving the rocket project missile Jericho-2, the enhanced version of the civil probably retained substantial convergence of technology with parallel drop-down prototype.
Strategy game appearances
The idea of developing long-range ballistic systems may ultimately suggest a progressive transfer the main burden of Israel's strategic interests on the ground transregional with possible repercussions on a global scale. The basic premise is usually in such cases, the ability of nuclear deterrence and the desire to strengthen the independence and geopolitical importance at the highest level of international relations. In the context of the currently observed recurrence confrontational tendencies in the international arena and increasing competition geopolitical - especially at the level of nuclear arms - can be expected to be sustained as identified in this way, Israel's strategic path.
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