- Apparently, women can access their constipated turds via vaginal wall.
- Yep. Three or four days before my son was born, I told my doctor I felt some weird pressure, so he told me to come to the hospital to get it checked out because he was concerned that the baby's umbilical cord had prolapsed. When I got to L&D, I was thinking "Oh, shit, he's going to give me a C-section and it's going to be horrible..." nope. He felt around a bit and said "You're fine, the baby's fine, but you'll probably have a bm when you get home." He was right. Tl;Dr, doctor told me I was full of shit.
- This is a fact. If you put your fingers in facing downwards you can literally "push" poop out. It feels like, well, like a soft turd sitting just beneath the skin wall. Gently massage from back to front with pressure and you will have a BM.
- You're aware males can do the same thing, right?
All You need to do is shove a finger or 4 in your urethra, and gently massage the feces out.
- I'm deeply ashamed to report that I have ummmm... relieved myself in this manner a few times. Post-surgery narcotics are a bitch.