22-09-2011, 23:39
חבר מתאריך: 08.07.04
הודעות: 3,342
לבנון,טריפולי-אלמונים פתחו באש על תחנת משטרה
אלמונים חמושים ברו"סרים פתחו באש על תחנת משטרה בטריפולי צפון לבנון,נזק למבנה אך לא מוזכרים נפגעים.
Group fires on police station in north Lebanon September 22, 2011 03:43 PM The Daily Star BEIRUT: A group of unidentified individuals armed with military rifles shot at a police station in the northern coastal city of Tripoli Thursday, security sources told The Daily Star . The attack, which took place at dawn, led to material damages of the al-Swayka police station in the northern coastal city, the agency said. Head of the Internal Security Forces in Tripoli Brig. Gen. Bassam al-Ayoubi inspected the damage at the station and launched a probe into the incident in collaboration with Military Judge Saqr Saqr. Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Lo...x#ixzz1Ym6Fcp5k (The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)