17-03-2009, 09:01
חבר מתאריך: 10.03.06
הודעות: 1,442
אני "מת" על התגובות שלך.
אז מצאת בלוג המכפיש את התיאוריה הנ"ל - מה שאתה קורא לו "אתר מכובד". על סמך מה קבעת שהוא יותר אמין?
להזכירך, בימי הביניים מדענים שהציעו תאוריות מהפכניות הואשמו בכפירה. איכשהו זה נשמע לי אותו דבר. הסגנון הלעגני של בעל הבלוג, לא מוסיף לו אמינות בלשון המעטה.
מציע לך לקרוא חלק מהתגובות שם, אחרי שכל המהללים והמשבחים נרגעים קצת.
משהו כזה למשל:.
You’re arguments are only slightly more convincing than the article you are attempting to debunk.
1. Just because the dwarf galaxy has a lower heavy metal content that the MW, doesn’t mean that EVERYTHING in the dwarf has a lower metal content. You are either guilty of a logical fallacy, or worse, you are deliberately trying to lead others into a similar fallacy.
2. The dwarf is orbiting the center of the MW at around 80-degree angle to the galactic plane. That angle is not so inconsistent with the 60-degree angle of the solar system. Your argument is correct, but misleading. I can’t for the life of me imagine why you would want to mislead people in the midst of setting them straight.
3. Considering that there is certainly a lot of motion within the cluster inconsistent with both its orbit around our galactic center and it’s own spin axis, it is NOT inconceivable that a perfect alignment of angles and velocities would result in a star from the dwarf being captured by the MW. You seem to be saying it is impossible, which seriously damages your own credibility.
4. I am baffled as to why you didn’t mention the most obvious argument against the solar system originating in the dwarf. If it had, and had been captured by the MW, why is it so stable, with so many nearly circular orbits and very few real eccentricities? The solar system would have had to go through something similar to what the dwarf is going through now.
I could go on, but I lost interest as soon as you abandoned your credibility.
I also don’t believe the sun came from the dwarf galaxy. It is extremely unlikely. But I am not so foolish as to state that it is impossible. Read a few of the comments to your article. Did you notice that most of the compliments directed to you are NOT based on an understanding of the science of your arguments, but on FAITH IN YOU? Doesn’t that trouble you at all?
אני לא מתכוון להפוך את זה להתנצחות בענייני אסטרונומיה, כמו שלא טענתי שאני מאמין לתיאוריה. הבאתי את הסיפור בגלל הנגיעה שלו לקונספירציות עולמיות עדכניות.