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שמור לעצמך קישור לדף זה באתרי שמירת קישורים חברתיים
כלי אשכול חפש באשכול זה

ישן 23-04-2008, 09:22
  g.l.s.h g.l.s.h אינו מחובר  
חבר מתאריך: 25.12.05
הודעות: 17,294
בתגובה להודעה מספר 7 שנכתבה על ידי looklook שמתחילה ב "שטויות"

שים לב מה אומרת על העיר גברת זרה שגרה בישראל תקופה:

Givatayim is Israel's tiniest town. In January 2007 I moved from Tel Aviv to Givatayim and I'm thrilled to live here. Why? There are many reasons. And all of them are equally important. Read on...

Rumors have it that Givatayim doesn't really exist. Supposedly, there are people who believe it's a fictitious town, exclusively created for the telenovela "Twin Peaks" (in Hebrew: Givatayim).
For similar reasons, the very same people doubt the existence of a whole country: Belgium. They claim that Belgium was exclusively created for beer brewing and beer drinking purposes.

Well, G2 does exist. I live here. So does Belgium exist. I used to live there. Now that ought to be evidence enough. Plus, I just created "Givatayim Vista" while looking out of one of my windows. Givatayim Vista is going to seriously compete with those dreary Windows from Redmond, WA, USA. Notice the difference? In G2 the vista is usually bright and cheerful, whereas in Redmond it's either foggy or rainy. Frequent Window cleaning required.

Givatayim Cow Cats

Givatayim is world famous for its fat cats (Garfield says hi), and especially for its Cow Cats. Cow Cats do extremely well in G2 because of the town's fat cars that are their preferred snooze pads. Also, G2's residents know that Cow Cats prefer drinking milk to plain tap water. G2 Cow Cats rule!

It is no secret among the feline species that G2 Cow Cats have a mischievous sense of humor. This true story proves it.

The Spring Fashion Capital

G2 is the world's spring fashion capital because it's the town of "Eternal Spring Colors of the Sunny Mind".

Here you see an example of Givatayim's spring fashion 2007 hanging up to dry. Sadly, the green dress on the left shrank (after being washed together with winter colors) from an evening gown to a T-shirt. Although Givatayim provides the world with spring fashion, it's you who have to set the right temperature.


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