06-05-2007, 20:23
חבר מתאריך: 08.08.04
הודעות: 1,575
פה יש לך פרוט ספציפי של חלק מדרישות השרידות + דרישות נוספות
Systems would require the ability to continue operation if hit by small-arms fire ranging from 7.62 mm to 23.7 mm. In addition to aircraft hardware, survival of flight personnel became a primary ingredient in the combat design of the aircraft. The flight crew required armored, crashworthy seats. If mortally hit and high-impact ground contact was inevitable, the helicopter was required to withstand g forces of 20g forward, 20g vertically, and 18g laterally, three times the capability of existing helicopters. This equated to a 38 foot-per-second vertical crash, survivable by flight crew and troops. Reliability of the design would require triply redundant hydraulic and electrical systems, dual engines, an auxiliary power unit, separated dual controls, a self-sealing crashworthy fuel system and other system redundancies throughout the helicopter.
"[Nuclear] war is unthinkable but not impossible, and therefore we must think about it" - Bernard Brodie
נערך לאחרונה ע"י nsdq160 בתאריך 06-05-2007 בשעה 20:28.