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כלי אשכול חפש באשכול זה

ישן 12-11-2005, 10:06
  HummerH1 HummerH1 אינו מחובר  
חבר מתאריך: 08.11.02
הודעות: 32,894
צרפת: בקבוקי תבערה הושלכו לעבר בתי-כנסת.

בקת"בים הושלכו על בתי-כנסת
מציתים בזדון השליכו פצצות דלק בזמן ששני בתי-כנסת הותקפו בשיא המהומות בפריז השבוע.

חשש קיים בקהילה היהודית שעכשיו לאחר שהתקשורת הפסיקה את הכיסוי התקשורתי הנרחב של השבועיים הראשונים, הפורעים ינסו להשיג תשומת לב ע"י תקיפת יהודים ומוסדותיהם.

[התמונה הבאה מגיעה מקישור שלא מתחיל ב https ולכן לא הוטמעה בדף כדי לשמור על https תקין: http://www.jewishtelegraph.co.uk/images/logos/wor_head.jpg]

'Firebombs' hurled at synagogues

ARSONISTS hurled petrol bombs as two synagogues were attacked at the height of riots in Paris this week.

A device was detonated outside one of the shuls and a Molotov cocktail blackened the door of the other.

As violence grew worse, the stunned Jewish community braced itself for new attacks on its members and on Jewish institutions.

The head of the community's antisemitism vigilance bureau, Samy Ghozlan, said: "It's worrisome. We fear the worst is still to come."

He added: "Now that the media has decided to reduce coverage of the riots, the thugs may intensify the violence against Jews to regain media attention."

Mr Ghozlan was speaking after two suburban shuls - at Pierrefitte-sur-Seine and Garges - were targeted with "firebombs"

No worshippers were hurt.

Garges' rabbi Jacki Brami and his sons had also been subjected to insults - although this is nothing new, according the European Jewish Press.

French authorities are reported to have advised Jewish security officials not to publicise their fears, as such declarations could encourage rioters to attack Jews and Jewish community buildings.

The Jewish community has kept a low profile since the violence broke out two weeks ago.

The only official reaction has come from the Moise Cohen, the chairman of the Paris consistoire - the main synagogal body - in a letter to the head of the French Muslim council Dalil Boubakeur.

Mr Cohen expressed indignation and sorrow following an incident in the suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois, where a tear gas grenade was thrown into a mosque.

"We consider every prayer room is sacred," wrote Mr Cohen, "and it must be kept away from any conflict, whatever its nature may be."

Cars were burned in central Paris, not far from the Rue des Rosiers, a street lined with Jewish merchants, restaurants and synagogues.

In Aulnay-sous-Bois, the storefront of a small Jewish rug merchant was burned. And in Aubervilliers, a fabric warehouse believed to be owned by Jews was burned.

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