29-12-2013, 18:55
חבר מתאריך: 07.04.08
הודעות: 6,949
סעודיה תעביר ללבנון 3 מיליארד דולר לרכישת ציוד צבאי מצרפת.
Lebanon announces $3B grant from Saudi for army
The Associated Press
Posted: 12/29/2013 03:33:21 AM PST | Updated: about 2 hours ago
נשיא לבנון הודיע היום שסעודיה התחייבה להעביר ללבנון סיוע צבאי בסך 3 מיליארד דולר לרכישת נשק מצרפת, לעזור לצבא לבנון ולחזק את כוחו.
BEIRUT—Lebanon's president said Sunday that Saudi Arabia has pledged $3 billion to buy weapons from France to help support and strengthen the Lebanese army
President Michel Sleiman made the surprise announcement, which he called the largest-ever pledge for Lebanon's army, in a televised national address. He did not provide any further details, but said French President Francois Hollande was to discuss the matter during his visit Sunday to Saudi Arabia.
"I am happy to tell the Lebanese people that the Saudi ruler will give a grant of $3 billion to strengthen the army," Sleiman said, according to a quotes published by the state news agency. "The Saudi grant will allow the Lebanese army to purchase weapons from France