11-11-2010, 08:21
חבר מתאריך: 28.10.04
הודעות: 9,419
Bill Schweber : אולי הגיע הזמן להיפטר מהשעון קיץ?
Bill Schweber
Is it time to get rid of Daylight Savings Time?
11/4/2010 8:19 AM EDT
As we turn the clocks back in many parts of the US and world this weekend, as part of the seasonal fall ritual, I have to wonder: what exactly is the point of all this? The answer, we are told, is simple: the switchover to and from Daylight Savings Time "saves energy."
Historically, daylight savings time was proposed by Benjamin Franklin as a way to maintain agricultural productivity and reduce the need for costly candles (they really were a major household expense, back in the day). People rose and worked with the sun, and wound their days down as the sun set. As for resetting their clocks and watches: that wasn't a problem, since most people didn’t own one. They assessed time by the sun, or by the sound of church bells.
But that was then, and this is now. We live by electric lights, we live 24/7, we don't start our day with the sun and end it as darkness approaches. To steal a quote from Einstein: "everything has changed, except our way of thinking."
תרגום (גוגל):
מבחינה היסטורית, חיסכון שעון הוצע על ידי בנג 'מין פרנקלין כדרך לשמור על התפוקה החקלאית לצמצם את הצורך נרות יקר.
אבל זה היה אז, וזה עכשיו. אנחנו חיים על ידי אורות חשמל, אנחנו חיים 24 / 7, לא נתחיל היום שלנו עם השמש בסוף זה כמו גישות החושך.
יֵבֹשׁוּ וְיִסֹּגוּ אָחוֹר כֹּל שֹׂנְאֵי צִיּוֹן (תהילים קכט, ח)
נערך לאחרונה ע"י מדינאי בתאריך 11-11-2010 בשעה 08:36.