23-12-2008, 22:37
חבר מתאריך: 07.02.04
הודעות: 2,421
הבעיה נובעת למיטב ידעתי לא מHOST ולא מ MX אלא מ....
מהשורה CNAME (Alias)
ההסבר שכתוב שם
To create a new CNAME record for your domain, please complete the Alias Name, Points To Host Name, and TTL fields below; then click "Continue."
Note: The Points To Host Name should be defined as your domain name (i.e., "www.domainnamegoeshere.com") or "@" (Entering "@" will automatically insert your domain name as the host name for the CNAME Record). The Alias field should be the subdomain of your top-level domain the CNAME record points to your domain.
For example: If you want the CNAME record to point "www" within your domain to "www.domainnamegoeshere," you should enter "www" in the Alias field and "www.domainnamegoeshere.com" in the Points To field. If you want the CNAME record to point "email" within your domain to "email.domainnamegoeshere," enter "email" as the Alias and "email.domainnamegoeshere.com" as the Points To Host Name .
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