your Dr's
Dont move to Israel for one simple reason- They like it here and life is VERY GOOD TO THEM.
Here if you call customer service, your going to get service. Here, if yuo have a complaint, it's going to be heard.
your a Dr in the States? and in a Jewish community (brooklyn fopr example), walla, you have it very good.
You love Israel, and you come and visit as much as possible during thr high hollidays, but the reason you dont give it up is because you dont want to give up the nice dining out, the lexus thats parked in your drive way, the fact that your entire religous world is in a 50 block radius from you starting from pre-school to HS to college and Yeshiva. Resturaunts, stores, shiopping, car rentals and leasing etc etc and the list goes on and on.
The Yeshivish community in the states is very mcuh split down the middle- either you have no money and in many cases you have no desire to be in Israel becuase ur life revolves around your kolel, or you have a very nice living, and u youse many excuses why not to live in Israel etc.
It is a Kfiya Datit on someone to be around women, to have them dressed in pants, and have to answer to them for a long and intence course.
If this was another group with a diferent religious view the army would have quickly set up classrooms with MALE instructors and not wait for the riots to begine.
If anything, thwe sad reality is that a person who lives in Ny has more freedome to practice Jewish law, withjiout anyone bothering him, but in Israel, the land of the Jews, he'll be attacked and scrutinized by his own fellow jews. So why should he move there?
One may see it as a Religious person "forcing" his religon on you, but as someone who keeps a traditional lifestyel, i have yet to see any Dati Leumi person forcing ANYTHING on a Chiloni and if anything they work together and are friends from back nio the day, army and work.
A religous person can say this is My right and privilage to live a life of torah Ve mitzvot in Eretz Yisrael- after all, this is the holy land and has a religous backround to it.... Judaism, torah in Israel has been around way before the modern day zionism has come, in many ways a religious person can claim and argue that the modern day erra zionism has stripped them of their fundumental rights and obligations as jews ilving in Israel for the sake of "zionism, israelism, democacyism etc tec" but this is a totally diferent topic and not for this place to argue it.
Israel, and Judaism, are the only religions i can think of where the majority that is Secular actually bashes anyone whos obaying their religious law (!).
Any other nation/religion if your secular you are s ecular, and you may apose certain elemnts in your religious community but noowhere will you see someone who still claims to be a Christian on one hand, bu7t on the other hand saying he Deoasnt belive in G-d and anyone who does is a moron. Your either seculaer but ascociate yourself wiht a religouin and respect the wise, elders and those who practice it, or you are secular and have no religious prefrence and leave that group all together.
RAK BEYISRAEL and in our relgin do we have people who on hand concider themsleves and are oproud israeli jews, but ont he other hate anythign to do with their religion and a history more than 150 years back in the land.
Only in Israel do we have th situation where a new concept in the Jewish community overrides and totally ignores anything that was pre-new concept and anyone who does is denying the new ones their right to be observant "zionists/israelists".
This of course, is obscene and makes no sence... but we've gotten used to this already..
What happend in the army is Chiloni system not giving a damn about the religous sec't';s with in the system, and its evovled from being a pkuda is a pkuda and respect for person's such as Rav Goren, to a little weird unaffiliated group called Rabbanut Tzvait and laws of religoun that we have to "accept" because its the Israeli/Jewish army so ma laasot we keep our mouths shut and hopefully those crazy reklgous ppl wont shove their opinians and laws on us and is to cator ONLY to the religious soldiers.
this has gone from it being a LAW,s to being any officer, of any rank, doing you a fave by letting you live your religous lifestyle.
an officer is good to religous soldiers, but when he's pissed he suddenly disclames any religous law???? would a commansder just decide because he hates a certain group of soldiers that from now on diferent Chukim Matkali'im wont apply? this would be in thnews with in 8 mnutes and give carmella menashe her next pay check.
I dont buy anyones claim here since the law backs up the Hessdernikim, and a commander CANNOT get upset or feel that he is being "forced" apon by hessder soldiers when its the law!!
it would only be forcing and crying when it's not a law and therefore it really is a bunch of soldiers arguign and making noise for their own comfert zone, but as long as this is a written rule then they have every right to open their mouths and complain.
all this comes from bitterness towards religion and the Religuios community who if anythign has only givven to the country of Israel and keeps on getting spat back in the face.
It starts from highschool, goes in to the army, continues on with officer's or public life and the cycle goes on and on.
as far as a lawfull issue, this just isnt one and the only people making a scene about it are the ones who are oposing the Hesder their rights.
you dont like it, we can both google the Knesset memebers individual emails and protest...
BTW, just between me and you, im not a hesder, never was and dont even agree on their theory, but i respect them, and just as i have a right to cp,ain about whati deserve, so do they,
To me this is just another glitch in the big system knowsn as TZAHAL- just as the army is unprepared for basicly everything, where Cahfifnik is the name of the game, where miluimnikim are treated like dogs, and bascily everything works backwards, so this to, is justa another small thing that the army neglects and insstead of the entire system shaping up and become a lean mean well oiled functioning and fighting machine it rather just get upset wiht the religious and say "ma ze od ke'ev rosh! semek im hadosim haelu dafku lanu et hamedina!"
yes, it is because the Hessder boys that we have a wonderfull Israeli community in almost every major city around the world. They just couldnt handle those damn dosim from tironut who where treated like kings and we were dirt... it has absoultly nothign to do wiht the fact that the country of Israel at the moment is a mockery to other nations and almost impossible to live in unless my uncle is buddy's with someone.
Medina Democratit. For the good, and for the bad.
נערך לאחרונה ע"י Gevaldic Man בתאריך 06-02-2008 בשעה 21:42.