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The military service in the Arabic vines. Obligatory or.
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19 - 06 - 2006, 09:35 AM
Actually aroused me the question raved. What the military service in Egypt Algeria Kuwait varied and changed her changed her from the Arabic vines.
Is she is obligatory Syrian identicals of the service.
In Syria all male for him brother at least from his breath of mother. Will is complete pulled him to the army for a period
Extended her general and half of half (raved if does not harbor there punishments) [lytsrH] after her…
The service is stubborn our hard. .[w] our the stubborn identicals did not end that he the person not man if the army does not serve in.
What saw you? ? .
sami alanazi
19 - 06 - 2006, 11:22 AM
In the Arabic kingdom Saudi Arabia [laaywjd] military service ['alzaamyt] with the tough regret as for for the brotherhood Syrian [fhny'a] punching [haadhaa] Al-Shaab (the army)
Actually wonderful thing that all so reply in the society introduces ['astxdaam] his the weapon in kinds and use introduces [aalmdfe'yh] ......... etc from kinds of the weapons
Years and half means sharpened him and text of increase and officer graduates: D.
Baud lasted
[jnkyz] betrayed
19 - 06 - 2006, 11:30 AM
All vines Arabian Gulf does not create in her like the recruiting raved [aal'alzaamy]
Tito is academic
19 - 06 - 2006, 01:43 PM
In Egypt the service obligatory
To is [yaaxy] [aalGzyz] not important that the army is in lacs our countries serve
The war kept will be new for each [ytjt] for the volunteering in the battle
19 - 06 - 2006, 04:30 PM
In Algeria obligatory [mnd] the independence and our day follows to calm down. .[kaant] years then year and half of semester shrank to the eighty for a period short then custom of years as first because of the security statuses in the ninety and after after the security statuses improved bitter custom second year and half of half and possibility big possibility becomes year only in the little years coming and the reason the reason that the youths Algeria is stridulous what the recruiting for reasons likes several….He [daaymaa] in thought in the migration and origins originally politics of the state overturned for me thing of second and she she that she the youths received the secondary stage as soldiers and academic academic for ranks superior and stridulous became what received from not at them instructional level high and beautiful right path of thing calm down… hit with indicative your that formative stubborn our….If border of Vienna explores the air joining in the forces [laazmlw] big favoritism… and was committee was inside for
tornado ids
19 - 06 - 2006, 06:25 PM
1- I from [aalse'wdyh] followed creates stubborn our recruiting of obligatory and harm hit [maae'rD] military number vacant in any sector transient advanced for him promises in the hundred, so his pilgrim does not see to recruiting of obligatory and sleeves said the brother (Tito is academic) {not important that the army is in lacs our countries serve the war kept will be new for each [ytjt] for the volunteering in the battle}.
2 - thinks that there recruiting of obligatory in state of Kuwait according to what heard and for surnames not sure
hassan kasen
19 - 06 - 2006, 09:40 PM
There distinguished and defects for the recruiting [aal'azaam] from distinguished her that she the heroes feigned [waalshshe'aan] and moral raising the soul for the homes and confirmation [llmaaTnyn] that he there army strengthened defends [hnh] during the war as for [e'ywbt] that he hurted site of the soldier near the borders was or according to with ['asraay'yl] raved I acquitted that he the only defect for the army.
Expert of the flight
19 - 06 - 2006, 10:02 PM
With no state of Kuwait at her the obligatory recruiting with practice of month one all year
hassan kasen
19 - 06 - 2006, 10:04 PM
Possible ['asy'l] the expert brother the flight waxes us make famous one not year of identicals.
I descended [ltDflY].
Good Abu
20 - 06 - 2006, 05:33 AM
The service ['alzmyt] other than useful and hatred of Al-Shaab increases from have fun ------Iraq already the last matters in the time suffer where the military groove was duty for each so reply ---3 years to the studier changed ---[wwsnt] and half for graduate complete or the institute ------[wqdj] case caused from [aal'aDThaad] and the hatred for the army ------Is complete us that military formation the service in the Arabic vines on rotary shackles summery ----That the soldiers are for monthly organized good ---------As for the war so thing of last prepared ---So the all harm of security in the jihad fights and grain of the testimony in way of Allah --Became strong and be exalted-- Raved from watchs him in Iraq -------Where all Muslim family of Sunnis in the jihad against disbelieving in Iraq --------(O God the militants in all place christianize) ----
Good Abu [aalzydy]
20 - 06 - 2006, 06:00 AM
In Egypt the service military obligatory for each youth.
For her officers and her have fun her regime her regime so the army he from chooses what the comprehensive officers and the soldiers the soldiers from the youths want from any graduate [aaljaame'h]
Enters as for reserve officer for period of three years or recruited for period year about and from from chooses him the army be necessary to enters and [laaywjd] designating regime for the incomes [fY] the weapon so examples of delegates astonishing or the umbrellas and they love taught astonishing his for example the discoveries come all her and chooses the elements choose [aaltY] symmetry of work astonishing or the umbrellas and takes them takes them without the sight to the study varies so the possible arts take graduate of the engineering and the medicine the medicine and the arts also as long as suitable as element astonishing or umbrellas.
Occasionally occasionally the army does not take some payments for that he does not need have fun [fY] the current time the stubborn presentation and hereby hereby youths of this payments continue on order for period of three years and does not allow to the book loves in insisting leaving and far her after her as for the army enters or final exemption takes and this raved what brands (does not pour him the role).
Then according to of need for they straightens the army in distribution the youths his and also also [fY] some cases reeds level of the education and his kind his kind during the distribution on the weapon so examples graduates of medical schools enters weapon of the services medical whether soldiers or officers what counted suitable for weapon designating identicals astonishing and the umbrellas the umbrellas and Republican Guard of Republican Guard so these enters to this [aalaaslHh] direct without the sight to varies the qualified zealous student to loves.
20 - 06 - 2006, 06:18 AM
To the ratio for the states is in big needed her the obligatory recruiting so she and whatever whatever the technologist depended on needed her from uses her and the islands Algeria is identicals [lyhaa] 1200 wound marine and more than more than 5000 wound land borders and surveyors of area 2.381.741 square wound ..... correct alkylated time of the war will volunteer. .[lkn] blessing mandatory advance trainers are
ahmed fa - 22raptor2006
20 - 06 - 2006, 06:54 AM
[fY] Egypt and poles [wswsw] the service obligatory on the individual and I will speak about insisting country
The service [fY] Egypt obligatory service of for each youth insisting capable of the service and the service pardon from [fY] the army the lucky youths non- remaining [aaxwaatt] girls non- [byTlqwaa] only attic of name
Mother young [aaldhY] [ldyt] brother of memory [mthlt] so he [kdt] [kdt] inside inside [bs] [yby'aa] lucky if exemption collected on
Believed that the recruiting [aalaalzaamY] beginning of the work [bt] [fY] acne beauty of Abd [aalnSaaSr] [bs] I not sure thereof
Insisting uncle enlists the insisting youths obligatory God on the service and the youth the occurring on qualified high comprehensive testimony means [byaaxd] young year one mother non- occurring on diploma [byaaxd] 3 ages
[bytm] operation of the recruiting [fY] different Egypt about road cutters of the recruiting [fY] preservations of insisting and all sector releases general attic the administration [lshu'n] the recruiting [waalte'b'at]
[wbyHDr] the youth is stubborn and attack sector of the following recruiting for city all [aawraaqt] the personality testimony of the birth and succession
After that [bytm] the detection the medicine and obese and afterwards that the device straightens [aalmsu'l] about distribution of the youths on the military cutters different in their distribution and us in Ata advice and protruded [raayH] eyeglass clothes does yourself cross-eyed does yourself heard you dismisses [kdt] means be soft there [bykwn] [fY] [DHbaaT] [bs] of course protrudes not knowing their they [btwe'] any [byxtaart] as mother one [kdt] from advanced on prevents them to the astonishing special forces [kdt] means
After what [btm] operation of the distribution [bybd'a] the train the war in steps the recruited [e'lshaan] group collects on extended her 48 day about [e'lshaan] learns in her the discipline the soldiers [waadhaaY] [yshyl] the weapon and after what the group ends [byqwm] the train the war in distribution all recruited on sector the service [btaae't]
Our by virtue of of course that the recruiting is [aajbaarY] be soft [dt] [bydhyd] from the element the human being [fY] the army insisting [wdt] important thing
After for what between her the recruited [xdmtt] [bytm] [aastde'aay't] afterwards [fY] designating periods means not meaning [kdt] [aant] [aaxd] [aae'ft] salvation
[bs] actually [bysmwaa] non- [bydxl] the army that nation inviter of attic be soft the army [fY] Egypt difficult ruin and life and disgusts [bs] does any [dt] our duty towards Al-Watan and needed straightens [bt'adytt]
20 - 06 - 2006, 06:58 AM
Algeria divided to 6 areas military and in in Egypt as mother .....
ahmed fa - 22raptor2006
20 - 06 - 2006, 07:03 AM
5 cutters military [mrkdhyt] [fY] all sector includes the military formations different from airbases to marine to land and propellant by air
[waaltrtyt] [aalaatY] from important [fY] sight
Sector of the army [aalthaanY] and the third field
Sector of the area [aalmrkdhyt]
Western sector the area northern sector the area
Southern sector the area
20 - 06 - 2006, 07:13 AM
[maadaa] about remainder of the vines Arabic
Expert of the flight
20 - 06 - 2006, 10:39 AM
Kuwait means practice month of one all year
20 - 06 - 2006, 12:13 PM
The service ['alzmyt] other than useful and hatred of Al-Shaab increases from have fun ------Iraq already the last matters in the time suffer where the military groove was duty for each so reply ---3 years to the studier changed ---[wwsnt] and half for graduate complete or the institute ------[wqdj] case caused from [aal'aDThaad] and the hatred for the army ------Is complete us that military formation the service in the Arabic vines on rotary shackles summery ----That the soldiers are for monthly organized good ---------As for the war so thing of last prepared ---So the all harm of security in the jihad fights and grain of the testimony in way of Allah --Became strong and be exalted-- Raved from watchs him in Iraq -------Where all Muslim family of Sunnis in the jihad against disbelieving in Iraq --------(O God the militants in all place christianize) ----
Good Abu [aalzydy]
On the contrary brothers. The obligatory service for country of example is native necessary very…
We war time with Israel did not end in and our state internationalized us opposite state…
The enumeration Issue for the army Syrian without precaution unknown.
There western sources speaks about 300 thousand to 400 thousand.
condor _ m2010
20 - 06 - 2006, 04:53 PM
Allah [yaa] his collector I is grateful very punched all on that information [aalmmtaazh] [waalraay'e'h] about performance [aalxdmh] [aale'skryh] [fY] last Egypt and some vines and punching the great thanks
25 - 06 - 2006, 05:59 PM
[bhaalmnaasbt] I in request from the brother F 22 supplies us in some information about the service stubborn [aalShaaynt].
[jnkyz] betrayed
25 - 06 - 2006, 06:23 PM
[bhaalmnaasbt] I in request from the brother F 22 supplies us in some information about the service stubborn [aalShaaynt].
His informations of simple in the subject raved [bs] to introduces him that he [laaystthnY] from [aalxdmh] [aale'skryh] apart from some men the debt and some from influential sons in [aaldwlh] political and financial and this on care [jrydh] Arabic his and hit the brother wants from F22 the commentary on the subject in shackles of expanded is harm be possible
28 - 06 - 2006, 12:59 PM
The service obligatory good in the ratio for state of identicals Israel is number boiled her small and the precaution depends on [fY] the rising in the effort the big soldiers…. As for [fY] insisting state of example so does not believe that he [DrwrY] never our the stubborn youths is many very and Alfred 45 day collects on simple practice obstacle only in the ratio for the soldiers [w]6 months for the officer and this does not help them on acceptance of the thought the modern soldiers as for harm was the transient forces in the volunteering the soldier will live live his all her in the army and extension of the experiences envisioned [aaltY] will collect on her…. As what one of of colleagues said (as for bottle understands the army came out us kindness) and evidence raved on ['ant] the simple period does not benefit from [aaltY] demolished her and when alternative acclimatizes output from the army!!!
To shows to the Russian identicals in eye of the considering take where cross-eye boiled her in complete to forces permanent [aalxdmh] and the recruiting canceled [aalaajbaarY] completely…
Good Abu
28 - 06 - 2006, 03:25 PM
[aay'] grilling ['ajbaary] hated from [me'Dm] the people ------ If them that them salary for the soldier hand over to was generous in hundred bitter ------ So in Iraq before [aal'aHtlaal] was the fugitive soldier from the military service in pieces of the ear punishes ------- So visualization methods of the ugly torture
28 - 06 - 2006, 09:06 PM
Thanks on [aalmwDwe'aamaa] while Morocco pertains so the service the soldier is mandatory present and informs informs extended her years and and hit the concentration does not be complete on her number of the forces be soft the armed ownership is big and enough in live her number informs 250000 soldier and truimphant their truimphant their occurring on [aalbaaklwryaa] as border of lower to loves as for the military division only knowledges of Morocco divided to areas area southern from the eyes to [aalkwyrt] and exists exists in her [aaktr] from 160000 soldier mother remaining understanding in the area northern.
28 - 06 - 2006, 09:31 PM
[aay'] grilling ['ajbaary] hated from [me'Dm] the people ------ If them that them salary for the soldier hand over to was generous in hundred bitter ------ So in Iraq before [aal'aHtlaal] was the fugitive soldier from the military service in pieces of the ear punishes ------- So visualization methods of the ugly torture
Syrian does not create in this way things. The people Al-Shaab [e'ndtaa] coexisting with the service obligatory.
ahmed fa - 22raptor2006
29 - 06 - 2006, 05:58 PM
The service obligatory good in the ratio for state of identicals Israel is number boiled her small and the precaution depends on [fY] the rising in the effort the big soldiers…. As for [fY] insisting state of example so does not believe that he [DrwrY] never our the stubborn youths is many very and Alfred 45 day collects on simple practice obstacle only in the ratio for the soldiers [w]6 months for the officer and this does not help them on acceptance of the thought the modern soldiers as for harm was the transient forces in the volunteering the soldier will live live his all her in the army and extension of the experiences envisioned [aaltY] will collect on her…. As what one of of colleagues said (as for bottle understands the army came out us kindness) and evidence raved on ['ant] the simple period does not benefit from [aaltY] demolished her and when alternative acclimatizes output from the army!!!
To shows to the Russian identicals in eye of the considering take where cross-eye boiled her in complete to forces permanent [aalxdmh] and the recruiting canceled [aalaajbaarY] completely…
Simple friend of comment 45 day vines [byte'lm] in them the discipline the soldiers in all [aaqsaamt] the despotic coexistence [fY] Al-Hayat the soldier is despotic load of the weapon and succession and afterwards that and far distribution of the soldier on [wHdtt] [btbd'] operation of the preparation and the establishment for the work [fY] the one [aaltY] serves in her [wbyshaark] [fY] the practical statements in the live supply
01 - 07 - 2006, 07:34 AM
Hereto thing about the service does not hear Zionist .....
01 - 07 - 2006, 02:59 PM
The answer is stubborn f 22
mohammad fars
01 - 07 - 2006, 07:43 PM
Service in Syria she is years and the people Al-Shaab coexisting with the service obligatory
Horseman [aalaamaazyG]
11 - 09 - 2006, 04:29 PM
Military members within cell of advocates boil the King Mohammed the sixth military service after discovery 5 the beds [aaltY] was the rising in works intends destructive and the touch the touching in personal prominent and so core of the regime
riad maarawi
11 - 09 - 2006, 08:29 PM
The military service obligatory in Israel:
The Israeli society military society hoarseness and the citizen before citizen of he is fighter and the service the service military obligatory on the citizens Israeli men and women of women (my Zionist legislations of the Knesset for year 1949 and 1951)
The obligatory service the service she 48 is month for the officers [w]36 month to the officers change [w]24 month for the women and leads this service exempted military law the service the married and the religious from performance
That Israeli law the recruiting who sharpened him the church entitled propellant minister the entity Zionist truth exclusion of any faction from [aalmwaaTnyyn] the mandatory Israelis from the recruiting and this raved who exclusion of the factions afflicted to next: (the Muslim Arab - the Christian Arab - [aalshrks] - the associated Jew the institutes religious etc) - and this information according to scientific hopes the addition of which was in her knowledgeable -
[f'aqtSrt] the military service obligatory on the Jew from other than [aalHrydyyn] (the name do not mention perhaps formation of the naming wrong) and rose on [aalmwaaTnyyn] Durzi (refuses many from them the Israeli service in the army for propelling national or for the resistant distinction Al-Qaim between them and evident between the Jew) and became the service became military optional for remainder factions of campaign sexual Israeli (recruiting or volunteering corroded) apparent identicals volunteering of the Bedouin in army propellant Israeli
13 - 09 - 2006, 01:17 PM
To the brother [daaymwn] [shw] the service in Syria forgot years and for students of the mosques current year and nine months
01 - 11 - 2006, 06:57 AM
Make brotherly me in known his [me'lwTh] non- [byaaxd] postponement in Egypt [bysmH] for him in the book normal very the brother be soft our structures mentioned that them forbidden from the trip and this untrue absolute
Sharp Shooter
01 - 11 - 2006, 04:59 PM
The obligatory recruiting alternative from era of Mohammed on. .[wwSl] [byh] for the high door in [aal'astaant] had it not been for agreement of London or alliance of London in meaning of origin. .[kmaan] Ibrahim is Pasha of son Mohammed on defeating [fwn] [mwltkh] the commander is German allyl defeating of Napoleon [bwnaabrt]. .[hzmh] the Egyptian army in 60 minute and de de of dated
The peace the peace on you
11 - 03 - 2007, 11:18 PM
Allah the brothers what shortened and returned returned with regard to Egypt
12 - 03 - 2007, 04:44 AM
Thanked brotherhood on all the elongated interview raved
12 - 03 - 2007, 05:40 AM
In the Emirates
The mandatory announcing about the recruiting before 6 months was complete approached [wbyTbq] proximity in service of years
The military practice [llmdnyn] present from beginning the ninety in the schools and the summery camps
12 - 03 - 2007, 06:11 AM
Arabs and Muslims in the IDF[E'RB] and Muslim in the army Israeli
Many of Arabs/Muslims serve in IDF .[aalkthyr] from Arabic and Muslim service in the army. Druze (a sect from Shia Islam) soldiers serve everywhere in IDF and Israeli police, and doing a damn good job at it .[aaldrwz] wandering from [aalshye'h] the Islam in all place in service of soldiers is army propellant Israeli and the Israeli policemen and the rising in work is good [fY] [aalle'nh]. There are also Muslims from former Soviet-union who serve in different IDF units .[whnaak] also Muslim from the union Soviet previous from the work in different unities of the army.
But for more conservative Muslim communities who wish to serve as a combatant soldiers in IDF, there is special battalion where they can serve all together .[lkn] the Islamic societies most preservation from that formation of soldiers fighting in the army, your weakness is special battalion where be possible that formation of all side. is s called “Bedouin recon battalion”, sense most of is s members are Bedouin (nomadic) Arabs, but there are also many Cherkes (Kavkazian Muslim people) as well as non - Bedouin Arabs Muslims and Christians alike .[aanh] brands “[rykwn] [aalktybh] [aalbdwyh]”, in meaning that he more than her their members the Arabic Bedouin (the departing), and hit there metabolism many [shyrks] ([kaafkaazyaan] Muslim Al-Shaab and thus lack of the Bedouin the Arabic Muslim and Christian. This is combat infantry battalion, and members of it are combat fighting soldiers who serve in Gaza sector .[hdhaa] he struggle battalion of the pedestrians, and members in him the deadly battle the soldiers who Gaza Strip serves in.
Plenty from the Bedouin the explorer excellent skills, for that she his the army serves in in considering pioneer.
The subject moved about site military Israeli
amer mohib9
14 - 03 - 2007, 12:08 PM
Insisting from the turning
14 - 03 - 2007, 01:25 PM
The service [aalaazaamyt] call for essential
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