10-09-2006, 21:08
חבר מתאריך: 23.09.03
הודעות: 12,141
כיום מטוסי ה F-15A משרתים רק ב ANG, Air National Guard
As F-15As and Bs were replaced in USAF service by later-model F-15Cs and Ds, these earlier-model Eagles were passed along to the Air National Guard. The following Air National Guard organizations use the Eagle:
* 102nd Fighter Interceptor Group, 101th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, Massachusetts ANG
First F-15A/Bs received in 1987, replacing F-106A
* 116th Tactical Fighter Wing, 128th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Georgia ANG.
First F-15A/Bs received in 1986, replacing F-4D
* 150th Tactical Fighter Group, 188th Tactical Fighter Squadron, New Mexico ANG
Transitioned to F-15A/B in 1991
* 159th Tactical Fighter Group, 122nd Tactical Fighter Squadron, Louisiana ANG.
* 131st Tactical Fighter Wing, 110th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Missouri ANG.
converted to F-15A/B in 1991 from F-4E.
* 142nd Fighter Interceptor Group, 123rd Fighter Interceptor Squadron, Oregon ANG.
converted to F-15A/B in 1989/90. Most of the planes came from the 318th FIS at McChord AFB, which was being disbanded.
* 154th Composite Group, 199th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, Hawaii ANG.
F-15A/Bs from 21st TFW replaced F-4C Phantoms in 1987 In mid-1991, early F-15C versions were received.
In the current military drawdown, many of the ANG squadrons will lose a significant number of their F-15s, which will be placed in AMARC storage. Approximately 100 F-15s are in storage at the present time (end of 1994).
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. -Rick Cook