24-12-2008, 21:05
מנהל פורומי צבא ובטחון, מילואים והלוחות
חבר מתאריך: 07.04.02
הודעות: 23,839
מצאתי עוד מקורות מידע אך כולם מבוססים על הדיווח של "סוכנות הידיעות הלבנונית אל-מרכזיה" (כלומר, לא מבוססים).
מי שכן עשה קצת עבודת תחקיר הוא הדיילי סטאר. שימו לב לסיום הידיעה שלו:
Meanwhile, in an apparent setback to plans of full-scale armament, Germany is highly unlikely to deliver tanks to the Lebanese Army, according to sources familiar with the issue. President Michel Sleiman had asked for the tanks when he visited Berlin earlier this month.
The Central News Agency on Tuesday reported that Berlin had agreed to deliver 50 Leopard tanks, the heaviest combat tank the German Army has.
A spokeswoman for Germany's Economy Ministry, the body mainly responsible for authorizing arms exports, declined to comment Tuesday. "The work of the National Security Council is confidential," she said.
However, sources in Berlin pointed out that in Germany, arms exports to potential conflict areas were forbidden by law. Lebanon, they said, still was such an area and hence a delivery of tanks was "highly unlikely to say the very least.
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נערך לאחרונה ע"י יוסיפון בתאריך 24-12-2008 בשעה 21:11.