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כלי אשכול חפש באשכול זה

ישן 12-11-2005, 10:48
  HummerH1 HummerH1 אינו מחובר  
חבר מתאריך: 08.11.02
הודעות: 32,894
מידע בנגקוק: שלושה צעירים (משנה השתייכותם הדתית?) נעצרו כשבידם מפה 'מסומנת' של העיר

שלושה צעירים עוכבו לחקירה לאחר שנעצרו בפארק שעשועים בבנגקוק עם מפה של הבירה ש 43 מקומות בילוי מסומנים על גביה וגם משרד ההגנה.

השלושה, ששמם נאסר לפרסום, הכחישו כל מעורבות בפעילות חתרנית. הצעירים, הלומדים בבית ספר (משנה של איזו דת?) בדרום, התעקשו שהמקומות שסימנו על המפה, בעיקר אתרי תיירות וקניונים, הם מקומות שהם רוצים לבקר בהם ואין להם קשר לתוכניות חבלה. משרד ההגנה היה אחד מ 43 המקומות המסומנים.

Three Muslim teenagers with 'marked' city map detained


Security officials have detained three male Muslim teenagers for questioning following their arrest at a Bangkok amusement park with a map of the capital with 43 large public gathering spots and the Defence Ministry marked out.

However, the three Muslims, whose names were withheld, denied any involvement in subversive activities, military security sources said.

The teenagers, who were students at a Muslim ponoh school in the deep South, insisted the marked spots on their map, mostly tourist venues and shopping malls, were places they wanted to visit and they had nothing do with any sabotage plot. The Defence Ministry was also one of the 43 marked locations on the map.

''The three teenagers claimed they wanted to visit Bangkok and see the Phya Tani cannon at the Defence Ministry,'' a source said. The ancient cannon originated from the southern region.

The teenagers were sent to the Southern Border Provinces Peace-building Command in Pattani for further questioning.

The teenagers were spotted on Nov 7 at Siam Park in the Bang Kapi area and were detained for questioning after security officers became suspicious about their activities. The map of Bangkok was taken from one of them.

Intelligence gathering agencies had warned security authorities about possible insurgent attacks in Bangkok and tourist towns following the Hat Yai airport bombing in April.

The Defence Ministry has stepped up security at its headquarters, particularly at its front section which is near a main road and has no fences.

The army also has beefed up security at important venues in the capital since last month. Intelligence reports warned that insurgents might shift their targets to big cities and tourist areas.

Deputy army spokesman Col Thanathip Sawangsaeng said army chief Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin plans to give security officers and motorists tips about what to do if there are car bombs at government offices.

Lt-Gen Palangkul Klaharn, head of the Supreme Command's Directorate of Joint Civil Affairs, urged mobile phone subscribers in the three southern provinces using pre-paid SIM cards to get their phones registered by Nov 15, or their service will be cut off.

Meanwhile, a group of militants fired an M79 grenade launcher and a rifle at the Chanae police station in Narathiwat's Chanae district.

But the grenades and bullets missed their target. The militants fled after police returned fire. There were no casualties.

אני מאמין שהם רצו לבקר בכל המקומות שסימנו. למישהו בכלל יש ספק?

אז למה עצרו אותם? מה, כל אחד שמסמן מקומות בילוי בבנגקוק על המפה שלו - יש עילה לעצור אותו?
חתימתכם הוסרה כיוון שלא עמדה בחוקי האתר. לפרטים נוספים לחצו כאן. תוכלו לקבל עזרה להתאמת החתימה לחוקים בפורום חתימות וצלמיות.

תגובה ללא ציטוט תגובה עם ציטוט חזרה לפורום

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